Chapter 9 - Reconcile

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I watched the boys through the door. They began to come closer to the door when the bell rang for class. I quickly turned around and headed to my locker still shocked about what I overheard. It can't be true can it? Blaze doesn't love me, he's never loved me. That's what he told me before.

The hallways began to clear as students made their way to class and I got my books from my locker not bothered about arriving to class late. I walked slowly to my class and by the time I got there I was already 10 minutes late after I stopped to use the bathroom. Hey, when a girls got to go; a girls got to go.

I walked in without looking at my teacher who was without a doubt watching me with anger. I kept my head down as I walked towards my seat, my hood still up to cover the bruises which most people have probably seen already anyway. I passed Blaze and some of his friends who all looked at me. I ignored them and made my way to the back of the classroom to sit on my own.

I didn't know how to speak to Blaze after what he said in the lunchroom and in the gym to his friends. I wasn't ready for any big changes; especially with everything that's just happened I just wanted some friends who would be there for me without any other motives or reasons.

I'm not sure if I feel like that towards Blaze, I'm not sure if I love him. Of course I'm attracted to him, he's freaking good looking. I'm not so sure about his personality though. For the last few days he has shown me love and kindness but he hasn't shown me that for the last few years so automatically I'm going to be cautious.

The class went on for the next hour and when the bell rang I wasted no time in getting up and heading towards the door. As I passed Blazes desk I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. I avoided looking into his eyes unsure of what I would say. Shall I let him know I overheard him or not?

"Hey..." He looked at me unsure of what to say aswell by the looks of it. Everything must have been awkward for him after what he said in the lunchroom. Of course for me it was much more awkward because I knew what he said afterwards to his friends.

"I just wanted to say sorry for what I said if it made you uncomfortable or anything..I didn't mean to." I looked at him properly for the first time and he looked so sincere. It's hard to tell this was the same boy who bullied me into leaving school years ago.

I nodded a little then shook my head unsure of my answer, he laughed slightly at this.
"Really it's okay, don't worry about it." I turned to walk away from him but he tightened his grip on my wrist, not enough to hurt me though.

"Jade..." I looked at him questioningly as he seemed to be having an internal battle with himself but after a moment he just shook his head.
"Nothing" He let go of my wrist and turned back to his friends. I stood there for a moment looking at him before I rolled my eyes and made my way out the classroom.

I went to my last class then made my way outside to my car. I received many looks in the parking lot, gossip spreads fast in this school so by now everyone knew what had happened today and probably made up possible stories to explain my injuries.

I got in my car and drove out the parking lot trying to ignore all the eyes watching my car. I continued driving not really sure where I was going or where I wanted to go. An hour later I found myself standing on the beach I used to come to with my mom. We used to sit on the sand and talk about anything and everything.

We would talk about things from her past, things we would do when I was older such as holidays and my graduation and wedding. I felt the tears begin to form when I thought about that. She's never going to be there to see any of that. She didn't get to see past my 9th birthday. I closed my eyes thinking about my mom. She would know how to get me through everything that's going on right now while I'm so alone.

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