Chapter 28 - Feds

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Hit that vote button.
Now carry on and enjoy your day :)

~Blaze's POV~

I left the house and decided to make a quick stop before picking up a pizza for Jade. I drove to one of the clubs that I own, and walked inside, feeling eyes trained on me as I ignored the bouncers who gave me a nod of respect and made my way up to the VIP area. I nodded at a few of my guys chilling on the couches with girls on their laps.

A few girls tried to approach me but for the first time in my life, I had the girl of my dreams waiting for me at home, and none of these girls, no matter how little clothing they wore captured my attention for even a second. I collected a couple stacks from the back office behind the VIP area before speaking to a few guys about shipments. We were finishing up the conversation making our way back out to the club when multiple gun shots were heard causing the music to cut off instantly.

I ducked back into the office, waiting for the commotion to die down whilst pulling out my phone. It's not uncommon for shoot outs to occur in the club but it's always safe to make sure that it's just some idiots in a pissing contest rather than some brave soul trying to steal from me. Aidan answered the phone within two rings and I smirked.
"Aidan find out which idiot decided to come in and shoot up my club on 5th." I spoke whilst heading through the back doors hearing that most of the commotion had quietened down meaning security had done their job pretty quickly.

"Aidan! Find out where my damn pizza is!" I laughed a little when I heard Jade's voice followed by a groan of pain coming from Aidan. I walked over to my dark red Range Rover and got inside laughing to myself at their constant bickering.

"Blaze get your ass over here with that freaking pizza before that crazy lady prevents me having any kids in the future." I rolled my eyes when I heard Jade shouting in the background and Aidan hung up the call. That idiot better do what I told him to or Jade is going to be the least of his worries. As I drove round the front of the club I could see a couple police cars parked outside. The feds are always trying to stick their noses in shit that doesn't involve them.

I picked up a pizza and a strawberry milkshake for my girl before stopping and getting her a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates - it's always a good thing to be on Jade's good side, especially because she's pregnant now and can flip at any moment.

I parked the car outside the gang house and walked inside heading straight upstairs to our bedroom. I stopped in my tracks at what I saw and smiled softly. Jade was curled up in bed, her mouth slightly open and she was softly snoring. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead, pulling the blanked over her. I left the flowers in water and the chocolates next to the bed and turned off the lights.

I went downstairs leaving her food in the kitchen, I looked at the time to see it was getting late and I sighed and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I needed to relax after the stress I've been under with Jade being pregnant and the club and just running the gang in general.

I took a swig of my beer and sighed in content whilst scrolling through my phone just as the someone banged on the front door multiple times. Whoever had the nerve to bang on my door like that - especially when my girl was sleeping, clearly didn't know who they were messing with. I checked to see my gun was loaded before tucking it back into the waistband of my jeans and made my way to the front door.

I felt someone's presence behind me - knowing it was Aidan, I opened the door and glared at the two cops who stood infront of me.
"What do you want?" I sneered at them, watching their moves carefully.

"Mr Daniels, I'm looking for Jade Stone? Is she here?" The cop gave me a stoic stare as he watched me for my reactions. He should know who I am if he's gonna rock up to my house - I'm a freaking gang leader, if he thinks he's gonna faze me just because he's a cop he's got another thing coming.

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