Chapter 22 - Suspicions

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~Blaze's POV~

I looked over at the clock checking the time.
4:22 A.M
I resisted the urge to groan knowing I would wake Jade up if I did. I had been awake all night, not being able to sleep a wink after what happened with Xavier. After he left I spent some time with Jade in my room just listening to music whilst she did some homework and catching up with her, we also made out a lot too. Who can blame me, if a guy is stuck in a room with a beautiful girl who he loves, what else do you expect?

I slowly sat up needing to find something to take my mind off finding the rat in my gang. I can't believe someone would deceive me, especially by giving information to Xavier. His gang is lower than mine, it just doesn't make any sense. If the rat gave information to a gang who could possible take over my gang and become even more powerful then I could understand the motives behind it. But this I just can't.

I got out of the bed and put on a shirt before heading out the room. I went quietly down to the gym and turned on the lights. The gym in the gang house had all sorts of machines and equipment. There was a large wrestling ring in middle for sparring and punching bags around the outside. I walked over to one of the bags and put on some gloves. I began punching the bag trying to take my mind off the problems I had. I took my anger out on the bag for what felt like hours, I must have been in my own world since I didn't hear someone calling my name behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Aidan and Jade standing there looking completely worried.

"Is everything okay Blaze? We've been calling you for the last five minutes." I nodded at Jade as my eyes roamed over her figure, I noticed she was only wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top. She's lucky Aidan was in the room or I'd be using the wrestling ring for something else other than sparring.

"You okay bro? What's got you so angry?" I sighed and sat down on a bench as I began to take off the gloves.
"The rat. It's all I can think about. I don't know who I can trust and it's killing me. I know it has to be someone close to us - close to me." I looked at Aidan and he seemed to be deep in thought. Jade on the other hand seemed slightly nervous. I could tell by the way she was holding her hands together and she was biting her lip. She was hiding something.

"Spit it out Jade." Her eyes snapped to mine and they widened a little.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about?" Both Aidan and I watched her, and I think Aidan could tell she was hiding something too, she was like an open book.

"What you're a liar now too?" Aidan glared at her. I forgot they had an argument earlier. This is the last thing I need.
"Aidan! Shut the hell up." I sent Aidan a glare causing him to look away from her, he knew not to ignore me.
"Jade tell me what's going on." She sighed and wrung her hands together whilst she began pacing a little.
"W-well I think I might know who's ratting on you. But I don't have any proof or anything." I raised an eyebrow at her waiting for her to speak. Aidan was quiet too just waiting for her to say it in her own time.

"I think it's Justin." As soon as the words left her mouth Aidan spoke.
"Justin?! Really? You're going to accuse one our best friends of being rat!" He walked closer to her and sneered as he looked down at her like she was dirt on the bottom of his shoe.
"I didn't know you were such a spiteful little bitch."

Her eyes widened at the malice Aidan's voice held. Before she could react I was holding Aidan by his shirt against the wall, anger pulsing through my veins.
"Best friend or not if you ever speak to her again like that I promise I'll kick your ass." I said each word slowly so that he would get the hint. He glared at me and pushed me away from him with a lot of force.
"Yes boss." He scoffed and left the room, glaring at Jade and I one more time. I really need to have a chat with him.

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