Chapter 27 - One year later

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~ Jade's POV~

It's been about a year since Aidan woke up, he was released from hospital a few weeks after. We went to visit him everyday just like we went when he was in a coma.

After all the drama that unfolded around Justin and Drake, Blaze kept tight control over his men, making sure he or one of his right hand men, Preston, Aidan or Hunter, knew exactly what they were up to. Aidan got straight back to work once he was released from hospital although I made sure he took it easy. He took out all his anger on the members of the gang and made them work harder than they have ever before,
much to the satisfaction of Blaze who was basically rolling in cash now.

As for Drake and Justin, well Blaze never really told me what happened to them, but I've never seen them again after that day. So I can only assume the worst I suppose.

I moved in with Blaze into the gang house - which was his idea, not mine. He wanted to make sure we were by his side and that we were all safe at all and the babies.

I know what you're thinking, it's too early to have a baby I'm only 19, turning 20 in a few weeks. I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm bringing a baby into this dangerous life. Trust me every possible thought you've had towards this news, I've had it too. When I found out I was pregnant, it took me a long time to accept it. I refused to speak to anyone for weeks until Blaze had enough and forced me to tell him - and I quote 'what my freaking problem was.' Of course when I told him he broke down and promised to protect us with his life, he convinced me everything was going to be okay.

Our relationship has still been slightly rocky since that argument, we've been arguing a lot more over petty things but for some reason we're still stronger than ever. The arguments are probably just down to the hormones. We talk a lot more and are more open about things with each other, although Blaze has been busy with his gang and I've been busy with my part-time job at a nursery; ironic I know, we still make sure we have time for each other.

I finally arrived home, excited to kick back and relax after the tiring week I had. I also couldn't wait to spend some time with Blaze, and after all the fantasies I had today, I couldn't wait to spend time with mini Blaze if you get my drift - these hormones have screwed me up bad. I smirked to myself as I made my way inside thinking he's in for a treat since I'm in such a good mood. However my good mood quickly faltered when I saw Blaze and Xavier aiming guns at each other. This seems to be a regular occurrence in my life these days.

Let me just remind you who Xavier is. Blaze's gang for a long time has had a deal with Xavier's gang that as long as their gang supplies us drugs and artillery at good prices, we shall provide them support and protection as we have by far the most men in the gang than any other gang in California and possibly America. Anyway, as soon as Blaze took over the gang, Xavier went back on the deal, increasing the prices and eventually Blaze withdrew support for their gang. Xavier sent his men to steal from us and Blaze responded by attempting to kill some of his gang to make a statement. However, Xavier knew we were coming and killed our men and kept some hostage forcing Blaze to make a deal with him. He wanted me as part of that deal but obviously Blaze didn't let that happen.

I looked around the room seeing Aidan and Hunter behind Blaze, this was mirrored on the other side of the room where Xavier had two men behind him. At the sound of my entry, only Aidan looked over at me, Blaze and Xavier kept eye contact with each other.

"Jade, leave. Now." Blaze's voice was colder than it ever has been before, the anger clearly evident in his voice. At the sight of the guns my hand instantly went to my quickly growing, 6 month baby bump. The thought of anything happening to my twins, born or unborn was heart wrenching.

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