Chapter 21 - Xavier

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Thank you for all the comments and support! Enjoy this chapter x

~Jades POV~

I held Blaze's hand as we left the assembly hall, leaving the crowd of people listening to Years and Years singing. We walked down the hallway in silence before I stopped to look at Blaze.

"You did all that for me." I said it like a statement, still trying to come to terms with what just happened. He smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I wanted to show you that I would do anything for you and my song choice was perfect, wasn't it?" He smirked at me knowing that his song was most definitely perfect. There he is, my cocky Blaze is back.

I leaned up kissing Blaze, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine once again. He placed his hands on my waist, pulling me into him against his body. I had missed this. I missed the feeling of his hands on me. The feeling of his lips on mine. I missed him so much.

"Here they are! The two lovebirds." I broke away from Blaze to find Aidan watching us along with Hunter and Preston.
Once again Justin wasn't there.
"You guys planned this didn't you?" My question was directed mostly at Aidan and Hunter who had dragged me to the assembly hall. They smiled sheepishly at me and I rolled my eyes feeling a smile tugging at my lips. At least I knew they both liked me being Blaze's girlfriend or they wouldn't have helped him.

We spoke a little more about what Blaze did, the boys mainly made fun of him calling him whipped which earned a string of curse words from Blaze. The rest of the day went by, I spent most of my time with Blaze catching up and trying to make up for lost time I guess.

We drove up to Blaze's house and parked in his driveway since Blaze had asked me to come over to his house for a couple of hours after school. When we got out Blaze held my hand, walking me inside with him. I looked around noticing that the house was much more empty than usual.

"Where is everyone?" I looked at Blaze who seemed to think for a moment before answering me.
"A lot of my men have gone on a mission for me. It's nothing too serious they should be able to handle it. Justin has gone with them."
So that's where Justin was all day, it makes sense but i'm still suspicious of him. Something about him isn't right and I'm going to find out what it is.

I sat on the couch with Blaze and I turned to him.
"I'm sorry for slapping you." I blushed a little knowing he was really angry when I slapped him. He laughed whilst reaching over pulling me into his lap. I placed my hands on his shoulders whilst straddling him.
"I deserved it. It's okay. But if you ever slap me again it won't be." I could tell he was being serious but not in an angry way. I nodded and kissed him softly.
"I'll try not to." He seemed satisfied with my response and kissed me again, soon we were in a full on make out session on the couch in his living room. Since Blaze sang his song to me earlier today, we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other.

After around ten minutes a throat clearing in the background caused Blaze to move from his position on top of me. He sat up and I followed suit, trying to tidy myself up a little. A man stood in the doorway watching us, his eyes were more focused on me, his cheeks were red obviously because of what he had just walked in on. Blaze was tense as he looked at the man who's face began to pale once he saw the angry expression on Blaze's face.

"I'm over here." Blaze clicked his fingers to show the man that he was meant to be looking at Blaze and not me. "What is so freaking important that you had to disturb me." Okay forget angry, Blaze was furious.

"E-Erm...boss there's been reports that the mission today hasn't gone v-very well." The poor guy was so nervous as he spoke to Blaze, delivering the bad news to him.
"What happened?" The man looked at Blaze before answering his question.
"When they got to the um..destination." The man glanced over at me. I could tell he was trying not to let any information slip whilst I was around.
"They ran into some trouble. Around eight of our men are dead, and twelve have been captured and the rest escaped. Xavier will be contacting you soon to settle some sort of deal." The man looked at Blaze waiting to see if he had any questions.
"You can go now." The man left quickly shutting the door behind him. Blaze stood up and began pacing around the room.
"What's going on?" He looked at me and I could tell he didn't want to tell me. He looked out the window, deep in thought. I got up walking up behind him and placing my arms around his waist. He turned around and looked down at me, whilst my arms remained around his waist.
"Talk to me. Please." He closed his eyes for a moment before speaking.

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