Chapter 25 - Revelations

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~Jade's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes as the sun shone through the window directly onto my face. I attempted to move out the way but a heavy wait on my stomach prevented me from doing so. I looked down to see a hand over my bare stomach, my eyes trailed over the arm, passing over some tattoos and one or two scars up to the shoulder. I looked at Blaze was lying on his stomach with an arm thrown over me, his eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful while he slept.

I started to remember the events from last night when they came flooding back to me; Aidan woke up then the argument happened which was followed by Blaze and I sleeping together. I fought back a blush at some of the things we did last night. Blaze made me feel things I had never felt before, with anyone. It was like our bodies were made for each other, they moved in sync perfectly.

"Are you thinking about last night?" I jumped a little at the deep, husky whisper next to me. I turned to looked at Blaze who was sporting his signature smirk, causing me to blush a lot harder.
He chuckled quietly, coming closer me, and whispering into my ear whilst his chin rested on my shoulder.

"Judging by how loud you were, I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it." I rolled my eyes at his comment even though my cheeks were burning at this point.
"Blaze stop it." He started laughing again but his laughter was soon cut short causing me to look at him questioningly, wondering what changed his mood so quickly. He slowly sat up causing the bed sheet to fall, revealing his toned chest and some of his tattoos. My eyes trailed over his chest and I think he noticed but he ignored it and spoke instead.

"We need to talk about what was said last night." He looked at me with an impassive expression, not giving any emotions away. I couldn't tell if he was regretful about what happened or if he was still angry.

"Are you still angry?" I bit my lip whilst waiting for his answer, my eyes never leaving his.
"Of course I am. How could you expect me to just get over it?" I sighed and slowly sat up, making sure the bed sheet covered my bare chest, I wasn't really sure of what I wanted to say to him. I knew I was out of order with some of the things I said but I still stood by most of it.

"I know the way I spoke to you was wrong, and I'm sorry. I was just so angry at how you treated me for the whole month that Aidan was gone." He looked down at his hands, deep in thought but I could tell he was still listening.

"But Blaze, you're the one who's at fault here, not me. You said you only ignored me so that I would leave you. That tells me that you don't even want to be my boyfriend." He shook his head a little and looked at me, still not showing any emotion.
"I didn't mean it in that way."

"Well how else would you mean it then Blaze? How many other meanings can 'I wanted you to leave' have?" He seemed to be growing frustrated with the conversation we were having since he started running his hands through his hair.

"I meant I wanted you to leave me on your own by pushing you away because you're always in danger around me and I didn't want to break up with you and hurt you." I was slightly shocked at what he said.

"You wanted to break up with me?" I felt my heart drop a little when he said that. Was he really considering breaking up with me while I was trying to make sure he was okay while Aidan was gone. I thought he loved me.

"I don't want to but you keep getting hurt Jade." He took my hand, holding it tightly.
"You don't want to? Does that mean you want to break up with me now?" I could feel my eyes begin to well up as we spoke.

"I don't know." I pulled my hand away from him as his eyes began to show signs of anger and sadness at the same time.
"Why did you sleep with me then Blaze?! Yesterday I told you we should break up then we spend the night together and now you're saying you still want to break up with me!"

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