Chapter 7 - Hospital

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I began to feel my hands tingle and I heard a faint beeping sound next to my head. My throat felt dry and painful and my eyes were sore. I slowly opened my eyes as they stung from the brightness of the room. I let them adjust to the room when I felt a wave of pain crash over my body.

I looked around the room slowly when my eyes settled on Blaze's familiar figure next to my bed. The rest of his friends were stationed in different parts of the room, two on the couch and two on the floor. I tried to talk but it just came out as wheezing sound. This caught everyones attention as Blaze's eyes shot to mine and he stood up.

I looked around for water and he seemed to get the idea since he told Preston something who left and soon returned with a cup of water. I drank the water, the cool liquid soothing my throat. I looked at Blaze then around the room at his friends trying to remember what happened. When I kept drawing a blank I looked at Blaze. He had this look in his eyes that instantly made me feel like I could trust him, like the last few years never happened.

"What happened..?" My voice still came out sounding sore but it was better than before. He looked at me with a panicked look in his eye. Before he could respond flashbacks of that night came back to me.

Images of Carters furious eyes, the feeling of the knife against my stomach, the feeling of his hands and lips on my skin. The sound of my heart beat increasing on the monitor snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked around through eyes blurry with tears as all the boys faces hoping that the looks they were giving me would tell me it was all a dream. However the looks of pity and sadness confirmed it all happened. I was raped. I was raped by someone who I once considered family.

I looked down at my hands ashamed to look at anyone. They must think I'm disgusting and dirty. I felt Blaze take my hand and I looked up at him through my lashes. Before he could say anything a doctor walked into the room causing Blaze to drop my hand immediately, his attention now fixed on him.

"Ah Miss Stone, you're awake. Do you remember what happened?" I looked at the doctor who was a middle aged man with slight wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes. He smiled a kind smile at me and I nodded slowly clearing my throat.

"Um yes I do." The look of pity that flashed across his face disappeared instantly when he saw the look on my face. I hate it when people pity me. I've been through enough in my life without anyone's help or care. I'm old enough to get through this without people's pity.

"I'm sorry about what happened Jade. Are you comfortable with these boys being in here whilst we talk? The extent of your injuries and the events are usually considered to be quite personal."

Before I could answer the figure next to me spoke on my behalf.
"Yes she is." The doctor looked in Blaze's direction and he smiled as if he was trying not to anger Blaze.

"I assume you're the boyfriend?" I instantly shook my head at the question.
"No we're not together. He's just my.." I did really know what Blaze and I were. I let the sentence trail off as I glanced around the room at the boys who were all looking at me. I could tell they wanted to stay and to be honest I didn't mind since I was still so grateful to them for helping me. I nodded yes in answer to the previous question and the doctor smiled at me.

"Well after what happened you had to have stitches for a cut on your forehead, stomach and also for vaginal tears. You bruised two ribs and you may have a concussion and some nausea or dizziness from the medication.
You have bruises and cuts over most of your body which should heal over the next few days, some may take longer than others though. Jade it's important you understand that after what you have experienced you may suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. To reduce symptoms anyone who you spend time with should be notified of the incident and take precautions to reduce any chances of you recalling the memories. Do you have any questions?"

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