Chapter 23 - Emptiness

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~Blaze's POV~

I heard her voice screaming for help and I felt my heart shatter. I knew this would happen, she should have never been with me. It's too dangerous. I grabbed my phone, calling Hunter, Justin and Preston and within seconds the three of them were in my office.

"Aidan and Jade were driving and they were hit. There were gun shots then they crashed but I don't know where they are." I looked at Hunter pointedly and he seemed to get the hint since he left the room, probably to go and find out where Aidan's last location was, since we have tracking devices on all the cars.

"Let's go." We left the office and went to the car waiting for Hunter to join us with the information we needed to find Aidan and Jade. The fact that it was my best friend and my girl who were in the crash made the whole thing a lot worse.

"They're north of Parkhill Lane." Hunter got in the car next Justin and I sped off not even waiting for him to close the door. My hands gripped the wheel tightly as I drove, trying not to think about what happened. The thought of either of them being hurt was enough to push me over the edge.

The thoughts of the rat in my gang came back to my mind. I looked at Justin in the rear-view mirror to see he was just texting calmly like nothing was going on compared to Hunter and Preston who were both seemed to be panicked yet deep in thought.

"Is something so freaking interesting to you on that phone that you don't even care about the fact that they could be dead?" My voice came out strong and firm but surprisingly calm. Justin's eyes snapped to mine.
"No boss." My grip on the wheel tightened and my knuckles started turning white. I stayed quiet for the rest of the journey, trying not to think too much.
"Over there!" Hunter called out causing me to swerve quickly to park near to Aidan's totalled car. The car had managed to flip over meaning they were hit with a lot of force. The sight instantly made me feel nauseous. I got out quickly, my hands shaking slightly and looked around frantically to see any signs that they managed to get out.

A cough in the distance directed my attention to a tree next to the almost destroyed car. There was smoke clouding the air making it difficult to see clearly. I walked closer to the tree with the boys following behind me, careful to stay away from the car which seemed like it could explode at any moment. Pieces of metal and glass littered the floor as we walked.

"Blaze.." The closer we got to them the clearer it became. I saw Jade sitting against the tree with an unconscious Aidan lying next to her with his head in her lap. My eyes scanned over her checking for any obvious injuries. She had cuts and bruises on her face and an obvious bump on her head. Some of her clothes were a little dirty and ripped but she didn't seem to have any serious injuries. My eyes moved to Aidan's still body and I felt my breath catch in my throat. His eyes were closed and his face was pale. He was covered in bruises and cuts like Jade, however his were much worse. There was spots of blood on his white t shirt along with one big patch where there appeared to be a serious wound.

I kneeled down next to them, focussing more on Aidan since he appeared to be much worse.
"I've already called 911. They should be here soon." I didn't respond to Jade's horse voice as my eyes stayed trained on Aidan's body.

I felt tears build up in my eyes and for once I didn't hold them back. I took his hand in mine, trying to see if there was a pulse in his wrist. It took me a moment to find a faint pulse, it was very faint but it was there. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I ignored it, keeping my eyes on Aidan's face.
"He'll be okay Blaze. It's going to be okay." I shook my head at Preston's effort to comfort me and wiped away the tears that had found their way down my face. Nothing's going to be okay without him here. He was my best friend. He's been through everything with me, he knows me better than anyone. Without him I'd be completely lost in this world - in this dangerous world where I'd be nothing without him.

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