Chapter 18 - One Call Away

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~Jade's POV~

I leaned back into the leather seat in Blaze's car and sighed. This is so embarrassing. I looked over at Blaze who was glaring at the car in front.
"Move then you freaking idiot!" His road rage caused me to let out a quiet laugh catching his attention. He looked over at me with a glare although I could tell he wasn't serious. He went back to driving once the car in front started moving again.

"Um Blaze?" He looked over at me waiting for me to speak.
"Can we go to a store real quick?" He looked a little confused at my request.
"But you're ill, are you sure?" I nodded telling him I just needed to get something quickly. He pulled into the nearest store and got out the car. I got out following him inside.

"You don't have to come inside. I can just get it, it's okay." I tried to convince him not to come in but he ignored me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"What did you need to get?" I blushed a little and looked down, causing him to look down at me when I didn't answer. He stopped walking and looked at me raising an eyebrow whilst waiting for me. He always raises his eyebrow when he's waiting for someone to speak, it probably intimidates other people but for me it's just really sexy.

"Umm.." I didn't really know how to say it to him. He sighed and took my hand.
"Jade what is it? Is something wrong?" I shook my head quickly as he started to become worried.
"I need tampons." I spoke quietly, avoiding making eye contact with him. I expected him to laugh at me or be completely repulsed but instead he surprised me.
"Okay." He took my hand and started walking again without looking at me. I was slightly confused by his behaviour but I didn't question it.

We got the tampons and some snacks before paying. Blaze payed for the stuff completely ignoring that fact that I told him not to. When he pays for things he acts like i'm not even there. It's cute but really frustrating at the same time.

We got back in the car and he drove to my house in silence. I glanced over at him a few times to see him staring directly at the road with a frown. He was thinking about something.
We stopped in my drive just as Blaze spoke.
"Do you want to come back with me? You can just get some of your stuff then I can look after you, you can stay the night if you want too." He looked at me as he waited for me to make my decision.

"Sure, I'll just grab my things then." I got out the car when he just gave me a silent nod. I went upstairs and quickly used the bathroom and brushed my teeth after throwing up at school. I went into my room and grabbed some clothes for tomorrow, sweats and a tank top for bed, underwear, some make up and my toothbrush. I went back to the car after writing a letter to my dad letting him know I was staying the night at a friend's.

Blaze didn't really acknowledge me as we made our way to his house, or gang house, whatever it's called. He got out without waiting for me so I quickly got out too following behind him. I didn't want to be left behind without Blaze, the rest of the guys in his gang give me the creeps. I followed him upstairs and passed the room I was in last night going into what I was assuming was his room.

We went inside and I was surprised to see it was clean and tidy, there was no clutter or mess anywhere and the bed was made up as well. I put my bag down looking around at Blaze's room. It fit the same theme as the rest of the house; grey walls, lots of glass and dark wood. He had a king sized bed, his own bathroom, television and couch. It reminded me of a hotel suite, it had everything.

I looked over at Blaze to see him watching me intently. I finally snapped at this.
"Is something wrong? You've barely said two words to me since we were at the store Blaze." He just shook his head and made his way to the door, but I wasn't letting him get away this easily.
I stood in front of the door and glared at him.
"Don't even think about leaving. Answer my question." I could tell I was pissing him off, but I just couldn't stop. I was angry, I don't know why, but I was angry and I was absolutely intent on getting my answer.

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