Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

* 8 weeks later*

I’m so happy. Greyson took a business trip out of the country. He left the last time he molested me. My mom was sad that he left. Shit, the heck I was not. I hated my dad. I know that I am not supposed to hate anyone, but I do. All that he did and done to me. I have no good memories in my head but sad ones. I wished that I were out of this mess. How could a father do that to its child, its own seed? I lie in my bed and just think. Before he left when my mom was in the shower, he came in here and forced me to suck his private. Then he would go in my momma’s room and have sex with her. I nearly threw up as it traced my thoughts. I sat in silence as I cry. I am glad he is going to be gone for 2 weeks. I plan to enjoy before he comes back. Since he left, I got out of my bed to go try to tell my mom.

I walked into her room. She was lying on the bed. She looked depressed. Was she missing that no good ass bastard already? I got scared inside, what if she does not believe me. What if she thinks I am just saying that to say?  A tear fell down my cheek. Mom turned her head once she noticed me come in.

“What’s wrong baby?” she asked. Before I could answer, her cell phone rung. “Hold up Grey, it’s your daddy. “ I just stared at her. Really momma? She was talking away. Saying how much she missed him and all that stuff, and I could just throw up. Speaking of throw up, I ran out the room to my bathroom and threw up in the sink. My head started to hurt. I went to go lie down. My phone vibrated. I picked it up and it was a text from my daddy.

It read: I can see you, and I can here you. You try to tell your Cara again, and I will show you how to keep your mouth shut!

My heart stopped. I started took look around for cameras. I didn’t see any though. I couldn’t stay here, bad enough I was skipping school today. This man is past sick. He probably watches me while I undress, or when I take a shower, ugh just everything. Why does it have to my father?  I got ready and I left to go to school.  I took a deep breath.  I came to school extra late. That’s good the day went by so fast. My girls and I did what we always do. I did not really feel like being bothered.

“Ma you aight?” Derion asked me. I had a massive headache. I did not answer him back. I had my head on the table facing him with my eyes closed. He shook me until I opened my eyes. “Grey, I know you hear me girl. What is wrong?”

“I don’t feel well.” I said softly to him.

“You sick or something.” He said.

“It feels like it.”

“You want me to go get you some,” he didn’t even finish his sentenced because I threw up on him. The people in the back of the room had different looks on their faces. Some of them were like ewe, and wow dude, and OMG did she really just do that! I look up and he had a disgusted look on his face but he brushed it off.

“Yeah you sick.” He got up from his chair from his chair and helped me up. “Ms. Johnson, can I take her to the nurse?”  He asked nicely.

She looked up at him then to me. “For what?” she said glaring at him. He pointed to his pants. “Take the hall pass.” He grabbed the pass and we left the class. We walked down the hall to the nurse’s office. We entered the office. She was on the phone with someone and then she told them she’d call right back.

“Yes, may I help you to?” she asked.

“My girlfriend threw up on me in class. She’s not feeling good today.” I had no energy to talk.

“I see, you don’t look well. When was the last time you ate sweetheart?” she asked.

“I didn’t” I responded.

“That’s not good.” She turned around and walked into a small kitchen, pulled out a yogurt. “Here, eat this.” She glanced at Derion “I got her from here.” I asked her if he could stay with me, she agreed. I needed somebody by my side. Derion and my best friends are the only ones I could trust. A few minutes before the bell rang, I started to feel better. We walked back to class. All eyes moved in our direction.

I started to walk to my seat when this girl said a comment. “What she did was so disgusting.”

“Shut the hell up.” I yelled at her. Yeah, that shut her up.

“Grey, we don’t use that kind of language in here.” Ms. Johnson said to me. I did not bother to speak back.

Derion pulled my chair close to his, and wrapped his arm around me. He kissed me on my forehead. “I love you.” He whispered in my ear. I laid my head on his shoulder.

“I love you to,” I said while looking up at him “and I think ima spend the night since its Friday.”

His eyes widened “Really? Cuz you’ve been turning me down when I’d ask you.”

“Yeah.” I replied

“Alright then babe.”  I let out a small giggle.

“What you giggling for?” he asked

“No reason” I leaned up and kissed on his cheek.

Now I have somewhere to go for the weekend. I wanted to talk tonight when I get there. I felt good but not in the inside. If I let Derion know, will he leave me? That is what I am afraid of. At least I can get away. I cannot go back home. I cannot wait til I move. I would be so distant. Ima go home pack me some clothes and leave. I’m still on the text message my dad sent me. That is another reason I want to leave. I don’t want to die that is why I keep my mouth shut, and when you think about it, it’s so wrong. 

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