Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I packed my bags as my mother watched me. Yep, she is kicking me out. Turns out that I am almost 3 months pregnant. As I continue to pack my things, my mom left. I heard her grab the keys and walked out. I was thinking about abortion but that was out of the question. I can’t kill a child. I put both my duffel bags on my shoulders. I started walking out then I froze. Greyson was looking at me. He started laughing. I tried to walk pass him but he put his hand out. He pulled out 500 dollars.

“Take this and get an abortion.” he said to me.

“I can’t take that and no.” I shot back at him. I walked off. He grabbed my arm and yanked me around.

“TAKE THIS DAMN MONEY GREY, AND GET AND ABORTION.” He yelled at me. I still refused he opened my hands and placed the money there. I walked outside. I was so relieved to be leaving. Thank you God. You answered me. I knew you were true. I called Derion a few times but he did not answer me back. I started to walk down the street. I guess I’ll have to get there by bus. I waited for the bus. As soon as it pulled up, I got my 35 cents out. I dropped it in the hole. I took a seat by the window. A pregnant woman with a younger daughter sat on the side of me. She was making all kinds of noises. Is this what kids do? That little girl was acting up. If that’s the case, I don’t want any. Too late, I am expecting now.

The bus came to my stop. All I had to was walk one more block and I will be by my boyfriend’s house. I remembered when I talked to my girls. They were shocked, and they were saying nasty comments, making jokes. But it was all in a good way. We hung out a few times. We went shopping, to the movies, and out to eat. I can count on them two and Derion. They all told me that they are here for me, that I can talk to them about anything, and that they love me.

I reached his house. His car was in the driveway. I rang the doorbell, and he appeared.

He hugged me so tight. “Hey princess.” He smiled at me. He kissed me on my cheek.

“Hey, I called you and you did not pick up.” I told him

“I’m sorry babe, how did you get here?”

“The bus.” I replied. That’s when he noticed my bags

“Got kicked out huh?”

“Yeah” I said

He couldnt do anything but smile. "Hows my baby?" he asked. I didn't know if the baby was his or my dad's. I mean we stopped using comdoms and stuff, and I had piils but forgot to take them. Everything was happening so fast.

"Its good." I answered.

“I’m so happy you got kicked out.” he sounded so happy.

“Me too.” I showed off a smile. He grabbed both my bags, and took my hand.

 “Well, welcome home Grey!” 

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