Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Derion and I were sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. I came for my check-up to see how the baby is doing, and her progress. Eversince we came in here, hes been touching and talking to my tummy. Oh, I know he cant wait till the baby comes. I can tell hes excited. Then I can also tell that hes kind of thinking if its his or not. He did tell  me that he will still be here if its not. He told me that he is not going anywhere.

“Grey Taylor.” The nurse called out my name. I got upp and she lead the way to the room.

She filled out some paperwork, and I had another altra sound. The baby was so small.

“The baby seems to be in good condition and she is perfectly healthy.” She gave me a warm smmile.

I was amazed myslef. Derion was to. He even performed an ultra sound on me. "Im gonna be the best daddy ever." he kisse the side of my stomach where there was none of that jelly stuff on it.

Derion and I went out to get some lunch after the appointment. He started Bragging about the baby already. Sh'e not even born yet. I sat there and listened to every single word. Until he threw me  off with a question. "You think the baby is Greyson's" he looked directly into my eyes.

"I hope not, I took the pill every time he ya know. But on my first appointment I told the doctor that I used them, and she said they dont always work." his facial expression changed. "But rememder, me and you stopped. So there is still hope." I said as I placed my hand on top of his.It did'nt seem to lighten up his mood.

"I want a blood test when the baby is born." he said while looking out of the window.

"I do too, and I gonna tell my mom that I want a blood test from Greyson." I did, I really did. But I would have to wait until the baby is born. We ate the rest of our food in silence. Before we left, I told him that I have to pee. I went, came back, then we left.

My cell phone started to ring. It was my daddy. Derion saw the caller ID. He took the phone from me and pressed end.

“I was gonna do that myself.” I said.

“Well you took too long.” He glanced at me and smiled.

“Why are you smiling?” I asked.

“Cuz I gotta hide the pain when I look at you.” He replied.

“I don’t wanna discuss pain.”

“Me neither.”

“Well, what you wanna talk about?” I asked him even though I already knew the answer.

“We could talk about all them snacks you gon’ owe me when that baby is out there.” He flashed his white teeth at me.

“Ugh, Keep ya eyes on the road.” I turned his head forward with my hand.

“Ha, no words to say.” Then he had the nerve to keep talking about sex. He went on, and on, and on. Derion even describe how he was gonna do me. He even touch the areas he was gonna beat up the most. We pulled in the driveway. “Last one out the car, got to rub the others feet.” He said while running halfway to the door. I didn’t even move. He laughed as if it was funny, knowing so damn good and well I can’t run right na. He came back to me though, and put his arm around my neck, and we walked together into the house. I saw Ms. Davidson in the kitchen talking on the phone. I waved and she waved back.

We sat in the living room. He got up to go get something, and came back with baby oil. He sat down, placing my foot on his. He applied the oil on there and started massaging my feet. Aww, how sweet of him.

“That feels good.” I moaned but not in a sexual way, as I laid my head down. He smiled in response. This nigga feeling himself.

“We haven’t decided what the baby’s name is going to be.” I said randomly.

“We didn’t huh?” he asked.

“Uh, uh.” I said

“Let’s start now then.”

“Okay.” I said

“What about Montana?” he said. Out of all names, that was his first pick.

“No, I don’t like Montana. What about Miley?” I said while slightly smiling.

“What about Christian?”

“What about Iriyan?” I said.

“Why that name?”

“I like it. It’s neat.” I wined.

“What’s my name?” he asked. I saw his mom look at him suspiciously. Then she went into her room.

“Derion, why?” sounding all concerned.

“What about Deriona?” now he was cheesed up. Smiling from ear to ear.

“Hell no. What the hell I look like naming my baby some Deriona?” I yelled.

“She gon’ be named after her good looking daddy baby.” He yelled playfully at me.

“Don’t flatter yourself.” I said. He looked and rolled his eyes. We sat in silence for a minute. Then I came up with one. “What about Desiree?”

He looked up saying his name the baby name, then the baby name and then his name. He thought about for a moment. “Yeah, like that one. Desiree it is the baby.” We kissed on the lips. Finally, we agree. Since we finally gave the baby a name, he started talking to her again, while using her name. While he was talking, my phone rung again. I didnt bother to see who it was.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Grey." Greyson said. What the hell does he want. Hes been trying to get me to home to.  

"What do you want?" I said so ignorant. Derion looked at me. He already knew who it was.

"Oh dont worry baby, not you, anymore." He laughed. "I just wanted to say that I dont need you anymore, I got someone way better." Oh thank god, but that still does'nt change anything. But who did he have. I hope its a grown woman, and not a child like me. I cannot stand that man. I am so serious. 

"Dont call my phone again." I said.

"Is that a threat, cuz you do know what I'm capable of right?" I heard the seriousness in his voice. I didnt answer him. I heard a giggle from him. "Stupid little girls." he said under his breath, but I heard him though. I laughed in my head. Stupid little girls. I may be stupid beacuse I not saying anything about the situation, but your past stupid. You must not know whats coming to you.

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