Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“Something was going on with Mo today.” I said to Derion as he washed the dishes. I sat on the kitchen counter.

“Yeah, like what?” he asked suspiciously. I didn’t want to tell him, but I was told not to hide anything from anymore.

“I think my dad ya know did something to her.”

He stopped, faced me. “What you mean, how you figured that.”

I went to tell him why I’m so suspicious. He gave me all kinds of facial expressions and his opinions and stuff. When I was done, all he could do was shake his head. I don’t blame him. He had no words.

“Grey, once again, unless I’m over there, you don’t step foot in that house.” He was serious. “it’s for your own safety. I cant risk losing you or my baby.” Gosh I wish he’d stop saying that because I still don’t know yet.

I ran a warm water shower and got in. I started washing myself, as I was trying to reach my back, but couldn’t, I felt Derion’s hands feeling on me. He took the towel from me and washed what I couldn’t. When he was done he traveled his hands to my private and started to play with it causing me to make noise.

“D stop.” I said but I didn’t want him to. He did though.

“Okay.” We took turns washing each other. I got tired and was ready to get out. He helped me out the shower so I won’t fall and wrapped me with an orange soft fuzzy towel. He led me to the room. I saw myself in the mirror. I rubbed my stomach, damn I am getting big. Feels like I grow every second.

Derion put his arms around me. He rocked side to side singing this tune In my ear. My favorite. The kicking of the baby caused us to laugh together.

*2 months later*

“Ah, Derion it hurts.” I felt the pain gushing towards me. I’m eight in a half months now and I wasn’t in labor yet, but I was having these massive contractions, and she always damn kicking me. That’s what made it worse. I laid in the hospital bed. My eyes were closed tight. Just two more weeks left, and she’ll be out in no time.

“I know baby, just breath.” He instructed. I tried breathing, but that did not help at all. I needed her out of there now. A few more minutes of just taking the pain, I drifted off to sleep.

“Daddy no, daddy, daddy stop please it hurts.” I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn’t comprehend. As my dad continue hurt me, I cry even more tears. I heard someone calling my name and this time I woke up. “Huh.” I yelled.  Derion asked if I was alright. I nodded.

“You were having a bad dream about your dad.” He said. I grabbed his arm and placed it around me. I said nothing. At least I feel safe for once in my life. He laid in the bed right beside me keeping me warm. I put my head on his chest and went back to sleep.

*Next day*

I was in the bed. I had to be on bed rest for the rest of the weeks. Derion was in the kitchen making me a sandwich. Which is the only thing he knows how to do, because he can’t cook. He brought my sandwich and turned on the TV. He sat on the side of me. I was reading and he was in the TV. Then I was sleeping and he was still glued to the TV. Then he finally came to sleep with me.

I woke up at 7:42, because I had to take a piss. Once I came out of the bathroom my phone rang. I picked it up and answered.

“Grey, this is Monica.”

“Monica I haven’t heard from you in forever. Me and SiSi had been worried. Where are you, are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes I’m fine, I just wanted to see how you were doing.” We talked for almost two hours. I really thought about things when she told me she was glad I left the house. I didn’t want to ask her why, but I knew already. I knew.

“I know Monica.” I said softly.

“Know what?” I heard the fear in her voice.

“Did my dad do something to you?”

She broke down and cried. “Grey he told me not to say anything, but I had to tell someone. I need help Grey. He threatened to kill me and my family If I told.” This was sad, now that I am pregnant, he w emt after one of my bestfriends.

“I know how you feel.” I said so low.

“What you mean?” she asked.

“What he did to you, he did the same to me.” I let it out.

“What, are you serious?” she yelled. She began to cry again.

“Is that why your pregnant, does Derion know that its not his baby?”

“Wait slow down Mo, I don’t know who’s it is. Me and Derion didn’t use protection, and my dad released inside of me too.”

“I am so sorry.” she said

“Me to.” We talked some more. And cried some more. I just cant believe he did that. To the both of us. “But don’t worry though, I have a plan for him when Desiree is born.”

“Aww that’s her name and what kind of plan?”

“I want a DNA test.”

“Really?” she must’ve thought that I was playing.

“Yeah, I want a DNA test.” she was silent for a few.

“Grey I hope we still be friends.” She changed the subject for whatever reason.

“Friends, more like bestfriends.” We laughed and she told me she had to go. I made sure I told her I love her before she hung up. She said the same and I hung up. For the rest of the night, I stared at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

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