Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I got a call from my momma. She wanted me to come over to the house so we could talk. About what, I don’t know. Derion drove me over here, and then he left with Desiree. I knocked on the door and she answered quickly.

“Hey momma.” I said. She hugged me. She hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. She hugged me for almost five minutes.

“Where’s Desiree?” She asked.

“With Derion” I said as I walked in. She stopped me, and grabbed my hand so that I face her. I saw tears streaming down her face. Why is she crying?

“Momma why are you crying?” I asked her.

“Why didn’t you tell me Grey?” she asked. She stared into my eyes searching for an answer. “Come on baby talk to me?” she waited for an answer still.

“You know momma?” I started to cry as well.

“What did he do to you? I mean he was arrested for child abuse. I went to the jailhouse, and the police told me that he abused his daughter. Grey Is that true, did Greyson hurt you.”

“Yes it is.” I said weakly. She started blaming herself for not being there.

“I was so happy to go see my grandchild too. When I did my whole mood changed in the inside. I hid so no one would see. I pretended that I was okay and I was not.” she paused. “That baby doesn’t look like Derion at all Grey.”

“Momma I tried to tell you, but he said he would kill me if I said something.”

“I’m so sorry baby” she hugged me while crying, still apologizing for not being here. “I’m so disgusted right now, and angry at myself. He’s my husband and he raped my daughter, and he makes me sick to my stomach right now.”

“Ma I want a DNA test, and a lawyer.” I said.

“I agree.” We called a lawyer and scheduled an appointment. I go to him in an hour. Then I called my doctor and told him that I needed a DNA test. He asked me when and I told him that I will keep him posted.

I called Derion and told him that I was ready and to leave Desiree with his mom. He came and we left.

“So you going to see the lawyer today, that quick?” He asked.

“Yeah, he’s the family lawyer.”

“Oh” was all he could say. We pulled up at the building. We held hand and hand as we walked in.

“Yes how may I help  you?” this lady at the front desk asked.

“I have a scheduled appointment with Mr. Marshall’s at 5.” I said.

“Name please?”

“Grey Taylor.” I replied.

“You are right on time.” She came from behind the desk. “Right this way.”

She led us down the hall. She knocked on the door.

“Come in” a manly voice said. She ushered us in the door.

“Sir your five o’ clock appointment is here.” She said smiling and left.

“Grey Taylor and you are Derion right?” He asked.

“Yes I am.”

“So spill the beans Grey.” Mr. Marshall said. He got his pen and pad out to take notes.

“So ever since I was little I was touched by my father.” He shot me a what the fuck look. “Then a year later he began to rape me. He would come in my room and do. I would tell him to stop but he would not.” He interrupted me.

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