Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Derion and I sat in his king size bed, while he’s rubbing my tummy. He started talking to the baby. He really believes that this is his baby. I don’t think so. I will keep this baby. I would do anything to preotect this child. I sat and faced Derion.

“Are you mad that I’m pregnant?” I asked him

“No, why would I be mad?”

“Because I forgot to take my pills.” I said.

“I’m not mad at you okay.”

“I just thought that you was that’s all.” I spoke.

“Nah.” I assured me.

“Do you want kids?” I asked

“Somebody I wanted kids, but I guess that someday is now.” He layed me back down and continued to rub my stomach.

“I love you with yo pretty self.”

“And I love you to with yo black self.”

 The rest of this day we talked. His mom came into the room with a laundry basket full of his clothes.

“Here Derion.” She said.

“And make sure you bring me the basket back, I got another load to do.”

“Alright ma.” He said back to her.

She took her attention off him to me, and walked over.  She sat right next to me.

“How you holding with the pregnancy.” She asked me.

“I doing alright.”

“You sure, because if you need anything, or help with this, I’m here you know.” She told me. Shes so loving and caring.

“I be sure to keep that in mind.”

“Did you call your mom?” I nodded.

“Well you should.” She told me.

 “She doesn’t want to talk to me.”

 “That’s not true, just call tomorrow. Let her know that you are okay.”  She says.

“Okay, I guess.”

“Cuz I don’t want to see you on any milk cartons.” She said while smiling. That woman is crazy but she is lovable. I let out a small laugh.

I watched him as he folded his clothes. He wasn’t doing it right. I got up. “Let me do it.” I said and went to folding his clothes.

“Why?” he questioned me.

“Because you not doing it right.” With that said, he walked over to the bed, laid down with his hands behind his head. He watched me.

“You know you turning me on,” he said. I looked up to see his thang roused up. He flashed me a smile. “Doing my work.” I look up to his shirt off this time. I turned to put the clothes in his dresser drawers, turned back to see him fully naked. I froze there, just staring. Then my eyes went to his eyes to his hard-on. He pulled me by my waist. He trailed kisses on my face and neck, and left a passion mark there. Soft moans escaped my mouth. He brought me to the bed and laid me down. He pulled my sweats off, moved my purple panties to the side, and buried his head inside. I start making noise but he stopped and covered my mouth with hand. “Shut up, I don’t want my moms and dad to hear your sweet noises, and I don’t want the neighbors to know my name either, so don’t think about.” I laughed softly and moaned again as he went back down. He warned me again. I obeyed this time, but it was hard to keep quiet. He took me to another galaxy. I hands clenched the sheets. My back rosed as came into his mouth. I moaned but my mouth was closed. My breathing was heavy. He put my sweats back on and lied there beside me. I felt his hands lift my shirt up, and rubbed my stomach. He pulled me close to his side and we lay there.

*3 months later*

“Damn, Grey you getting way to big.” My mom said to me as she stared at my belly. Yeah, she and I got on good terms again. I’m six months and three weeks now, and the time is passing by so quickly. We had talked a lot lately. My dad was still the old him, but he never touched me yet again. He was furious when I told my momma that I was keeping the baby. He would look up every ten seconds to see my every move. I even caught him licking his lips, from the side of my eyes every now and then. I ignored him though, but that is what made him even mad. He dropped a pan in the kitchen.

“Hun, you alright?” my mom asked him.

“I’m okay, thanks.” He said stuttering.

She turned her attention back to me. “I missed you, and I want you to come home Grey.” She pouted.

“You the one who kicked me out mommy.” I said.

“I know Grey and I’m sorry, I was just upset about the situation.” She explained.

“I don’t want to come home.” She got mad. I can tell. “I like it over there. I even plan on staying there, and raising my baby over there to.”

“Why because of the sex.” my dad said. I sat there and rolled my eyes. He knew what he was referring to. I did not respond to him though. “I’m just kidding.” He looked at me, and smirked, and saw the look on my face.

My mom changed the subject “I can’t wait till my grandbaby girl come out of there.” She talked to my stomach.

He budded in our convo again. “My granddaughter right?” ugh he knew what he was doing. And he was doing it on purpose.

“Greyson shut up. This is woman business here.” She yelled at him. He went back to doing what he was doing.  Mom only if you knew that this might just be your stepchild, maybe you granddaughter, but only by hope. That’s disgusting. I don’t even want to think about this. Ill guess I see when I ask for a blood test when she is born. 

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