Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Mr. and Ms. Davidson were gone, and Derion went to the store to get some McDonald’s. There was a knock at the door. I hopped off of the couch to see who It could be. I looked through the peep hole, and I saw Greyson standing. I didn’t until he said something. I tried to ignore him, he called my name.

“Grey, princess, I know your there. Please answer the door.”  I didn’t move, I still didn’t word. Then he started to say other things, he bang on door, because he got aggravated. “Grey, got’ dammit, open this door.” He yelled from the top of his lung. I got scared I didn’t know what to do. He cant do me anything. I’m pregnant. I opened the door. There he stood. My daddy, my poor, sad daddy. I had certain look on my face. I didn’t wipe it away. I asked what he want. And we need to talk. He invited himself in. I slammed door shut, with my hand on my hip.

“How are you doll.” He smiled and sat on the couch.

“Why are you here Greyson?” I said.

“What,” he looked around “Greyson, thats dad to you.”

“You’re no father to me.” I yelled.

“Is that right.” He got up and walked to me.

“What the fuck are you doing here.” Derion said. He pulled behind him.

“Shut the hell up I came to see my daughter.” he replied.

“What daughter? I know that’s not Grey you’re talking about.” He said.

“Yes I am, my daughter.”

“You are no father to her. What kind of father rapes his,” he couldn’t finished his sentenced. Greyson hit him with one blow. They started to go on and on. Hit after hit I didn’t want to get involved. I ran to the phone and tried to dial 911.

“PUT THE PHONE DOWN NOW GREY.” He yelled towards me. I dialed the number and before I could even get a ring, he took the phone away from me and pressed end. He put his hands around my neck and choked me. His hand force pushed me against the wall. I couldn’t breathe. I gasped for air. My breathing got louder and heavy as Derion hit him on the side of his face. He fell to the floor. I picked the phone up again while Derion is hitting. Then he got up and it reversed. Ms. Davidson walked in with her husband with shocked looks on their faces. She rushed to my aid. Mr. Davidson helped his son up. My dad got up holding his head. Then he stared at everyone. I already called the police. He rushed out of the house. The police came in a few minutes later. I told him what happened. There was a warrant out for his arrest.

Later that day us four went to my moms house. Greyson wasn’t there though. I don’t even think she knew what was going on. we pulled up to the house. My momma greeted us at the door. When It was my turn she rubbed my belly and said “ah”. She smiled. you can tell she was happy. We formed a unit in the living room. No one wasn’t gonna tell, so I spoke up.

“Momma,” I said “da,” I was interrupted Greyson walking in mad.

“Cara,” he yelled and then froze when he saw us. Momma looked around.

“Whats going on here.” She got nervous. No one said anything. We were all speechless. “What, do I have to ask again?” After sitting there for a few more seconds, there was another knock on the door. My dad insisted that he get it.

“No ill get it.” she was heated.

“Ms. Taylor?” the voice of a man said.

“Yes that is me, may I help you with anything?” she said.

“We need to speak with you about something.” He said.

“Yes, sure of course come in.” she said. The person that was outside talking was the police. He had back up on the side of him. He looked up at my father.

“Greyson Taylor?” he asked.

“Yes.” He answered. The officer walked over and took out his handcuff’s. He went behind him.

“Greyson Taylor, you’re being charged with child abuse. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.” He said as he handcuffed him.

“Child abuse, what the hell you mean child abuse.” Momma yelled out. She went crazy. I was happy in the inside and I out. That’s what you get motherfucker, but that’s only a quarter of your charge. Derion grabbed my hand. I squeezed his and smiled.

“Is this what you had to tell me Grey?” she yelled at me. what did I do.

“Some of it.” I said. She shook her head. She grabbed her purse and left.

“I said she wouldn’t believe me. I told you.” I broke down and cried.

“She didn’t say that Grey.” Mr. Davidson said.

“Lets go home and talk about this. I don’t feel comfortable here, this the devil’s house.” Ms. Davidson interrupted and said.

*Days later*

I couldn’t hold her in much longer. The nurse said to wait, until she came back. Seemed like forever even though shes only been gone for five minutes. Beads of sweat was fallings as Derion wiped them away. I was in so much pain. The doctor finally came back. I rolled onto my back to get ready. I squeezed Derion’s hand. I haven’t even started to push yet. My breathing heavier. I didn’t get the epidural because I heard you can get paralyzed if you move. Well, I have a hard time keeping still. The doctor gave me instructions. I was about to give natural birth.

“I’m going to count to ten, after that I’m going to count to three, after that I want you to push. Okay?” I nodded in response. He counted to ten then counted to three. “One, two, three.” He I go. I began to push.

“Aaaahhh.” I cried out. I took a deep breath.

“One, two, three.”  He counted again, and I pushed.

I lifted my head up then back down as I was in paid. “Aaaaahh, fuck this hurt.” I screamed, and squeezed Derion’s hand, and he cried out.

“Ouch bae.”

“Hey none of that cussing in here.” The doctor said. “Now give me a big push, okay. One, two, three.” I pushed with all my might. It was excruciating pain.

“Uugghhhhhh. Aaaaaaahmmm.” I felt the rest of the baby’s body come out. I layed my head back down breathing so hard. I was finally finished. That shit hurt like a motha fuck. Derion kissed me on my forehead, then my lips.

“You did it babe, you did sexy.” He smiled with joy.

“Its……a GIRL!” The doctor said while holding her up. I began to hear her cry. Aww, my baby.

The doctor brought her to me wrapped up in a blanket. She smelled so good. They gave her a good bath. I felt her face, as I smile crept upon me. I looked up at Derion and his cry baby ass was crying. He touched her face too.

“She so soft. And so pretty just like her mommy.” He looked at me then turned his attention back to her. She was looking at me. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

“Hi Desiree, I’m mommy and that’s daddy.” I pointed to him. She stuck her tongue out and then put it back in her mouth. The nurse came in with a bottle for me to feed her. I grabbed the bottle and began to feed her. The nurse left and said she’ll be back in 15 minutes. We had visitors, my bestfriends, my mom, and Derion’s parents. They all took turns holding her. I felt some type of happiness in my life. All that has went down , im over it. I forgive but I wont forget. This was just the beginning. I’m not done yet, because  I still want a DNA test.

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