Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Derion came over for dinner, along with Sierra and Monica. We were all having dinner. I saw my dad look at my best friends in a nasty way. I felt uneasy. We said our greetings and stuff. Derion looked at my dad with disgust. I felt the tension. Everyone walked in the dining room except them two. I heard my dad tell him “Wipe that look up off your face boy before I” he couldn’t finish his sentence because Derion punched him in the face. My dad grabbed him in a headlock. “That was a nice one, Ima let it slide. Like I said wipe that look up off your face, and you better not say anything either.” He let him go and pushed in the dining room direction.

 My mom sat at the table as SiSi and Mo helped. I hurried and took my seat at the table. They both came in with fake smiles on. We ate in silence until Greyson wants to start talking.

“So what are your plans Grey when you have my grandbaby.” He asked. He looked over to Derion, who had his face scrunched up.

I answer with an I don’t know. My mom looked up at me and then continued to eat. Why should I tell him my plans? It is none of his business.

“Well, you should figure that out. Your only 3 months away.” He said. Stay out of my business I said to myself. Monica felt me getting uncomfortable so she changed the topic. When attention was on her, she started talking about her experience in swimming. She cannot swim though. I mouthed thank you. She nodded her head up and down twice. “Monica can you pass me the rolls darling.” My daddy asked. As she picked up them and handed it to him, his hands touched hers. I saw the look on her face. Her eyes widened. I tried to act as if I didn’t see it though. He glanced at me and smiled. Is he trying to make me jealous? Then he trying to hit on one of my best friends. That sick bastard I tell you.

When dinner was over, Sierra's mom came picked her up. Derion and I was about to leave, until Mo spoke up.

"Hello what about me." she said

"Oh, I'm sorry girl. Come on." I told her. then my dad stepped in.

"Nah, that's okay, ill bring her home." Oh hell no. No the hell you aint. My mom almost agreed with him until I Derion said something.

"No thats okay Mr. Taylor, I got her." when he said that, looked like Greyson was gonna lose it.

"Okay, that fine." thats all he could say. My mom hugged me and we said our goodbyes. My daddy tried to hug me. I wanted to back away, but I also did not want to be question by my mom. So i hugged him back. As soon as my mom turned around to go to the dining room, he felt on my booty. I backed away as I pushed him. Derion saw him and he tried to hit him again like he did earlier, but Greyson grabbed both his wrist. "Don't play with me boy," he said "I let you slide the first time, but there wont be a second time. Try me if you want to and I bet you gone be," he changed the subject when my mom walked back in. " so happy when the baby comes man!" he's good, real good. All mom did was smile. There was nothing to smile about. I walked out of the house and got in the car, then I slammed the door. Derion came out. He also slammed the door. He turned to me and shook his head. 

"You not coming around here anymore, you mean to much to me, and I can't risk losing you or my baby." he said as a tear fell down from his face. Did he tell him something? Did he threathened him? What did he say, because I wanna know. I wanna know now got dammit.

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