Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Three years later*

We got our own house and our own family. Desiree is three now. She’s getting so big. She walking, and running, and being bad sometimes. She has light brown curly, she has a caramel skin complexion, and eyes of my name. That’s weird. I don’t even say this is my daddy’s  baby. He’s not here. I won’t ever tell her that either, but I know one day she would find out. I won’t be the one to tell though. Derion came inside the house. Desiree saw him and ran to his arms. He picked her up and spun her around, kissing her on her cheek.

“Hey daddy.” She said.

“Hey daddy’s little girl.” He put her down and she ran back to her toys. I was in the kitchen cleaning dishes, when he came in. He slapped my ass causing me to jump. I turned around and playfully hit him on the shoulder. His put his lips on mine and we started kissing. He put his tongue in my mouth moving in circles. I did the same.

“Ewe” Desiree said. We stopped and laughed. “Mommy can me have some cwookies?” she asked.

“I’ll get it.” Derion said. I went back to cleaning.

“Tank-you daddy.” She said and went back to the living room.  He came back over to me.

“I got a surprise for you.” He said smiling.

I stopped cleaning “What?”

“I can’t tell you it’s a surprise.” He walked out of the kitchen. He looked back at me. “Just make sure you and Desiree is ready at 7:00 on the dot.”

*later that day*

I got Desiree dressed in her in her light pink and gray flower dress. She put on her pink buckle up shoes with her lace socks. I combed her hair in a fluffy puffball. She went into her bathroom and put on her earrings. I got dressed in my gray fitted dress and my gray shoes surrounded in crystals, with a matching clutch. My hair was in loose curls hanging down my back. Derion came inside the room lookin’ hella fine. He had on a white suit, white shirt, with a light pink and gray vest with a light pink tie.

“Um look at you.” I said licking my lips.

“No, look at yo sexy ass. Turn for me.” he said. Desiree came in stealing my shine. “Oooooo, look at my baby. You the most beautiful thang I’ve ever seen on this planet.” He said. I got jealous. She smiled.

“Tank-you daddy” she said while laughing. He picked her up and started to tickle her. She laughed so hard. He put her down.

“You ready bae?” he asked.

“Yeah let me put me on my lipstick.” I answered. He picked Desiree up and tickled her again. I applied my lipstick and we left the house.


We walked in this building into a certain room.  It looked too much expensive. Derion told me to close my eyes and led me somewhere.

“Open.” He said. I opened my eyes and there was all family there, friends, and people we’ve met over the years staring at me. It was my birthday.

“SURPRISE” everyone screamed. I cried tears of joy as I hugged everyone in there. It was a lot to.

“Surprise baby. Happy birthday!” my mom said to me, and Mr. and Ms. Davidson.

“Hey Grey” Sierra and Monica said in unison. I hugged them both at the same time. I haven’t seen them two in two years.

“This must be Lilani.” I said staring at the little girl hiding behind Mo.

“Yep, This her.” she said. This was the baby that Monica had. Turns out, that it was my father’s. Therefore, I had another sister. Things were so fucked up, but we all put it aside. This family has some history.

The music was poppin’ and everyone was on the dance floor dancing. My baby threw me a surprise party. I love him so much. The music stopped and every one was like “what the hell, turn that shit back on.” It was Derion on stage, on the mic.

“Hey can I have everyone’s attention please. “I want to wish you a happy birthday, and I wanted to say this journey with you has been long one,” he took a deep breath before talking again. “Come up here baby.” He said. I got nervous. What is he up to cuz I had no idea.  I walked onto the stage. He grabbed my hand and started talking again. “You know that I love you right. I am so thankful that god has placed you in my life. I probably wouldn’t be a happy man if it wasn’t for you.” Everybody let out some giggle. “You make all things in life possible, and I don’t know what I would do without you.” He said. he sounded nervous. I still didn’t know what he was up to.

“Don’t be nervous baby.” I said. “Awww” was what all the others said.

“’I’m trying not be.” he said. “See how well she knows me.” he pointed to me. “Grey, I enjoy everyday I spend with you, and I cant go another day just being your boyfriend.” He got on one knee and so did everyone else, except for Desiree. My legs felt like Jell-O for a minute.

“He wants to marry you mommy, he wants to marry you.” Desiree said while jumping up and down. Everyone let out laughs and giggles again. Desiree came onto the stage with a big light pink box with a gray bow, and opened it. There was a big silver ring sitting in the middle of it, with diamonds surrounding the whole thing.

“Grey Laiona Taylor, would you marry me?”  I almost lost it, as more tears of joy fell from my eyes.

“Yes, Yes, I’ll marry you.” I could barely speak. He placed the ring on my finger and got up. I jumped on him squeezing him so tight. Then Desiree got into our hug.

“Contragilatins mommy” Desiree said not even saying congratulations right. I everything a woman could possibly want. I’m now engaged. I have my own family and friends. Everything was great and so was life.

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