Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sierra and I was sitting at our desk. We still have not seen Monica. Its second hour now, and she still isn’t here. I got worried, and Sierra did to. She didn’t come in today. She did not call us either. She would always call if she were not coming to school. We tried calling, but her phone went straight to voicemail.

The bell rang to go to third hour. Same thing happened. About three minutes before the next bell rung she came walking in. my eyes got wide. I tapped Sierra on her shoulder. She looked up.  Monica handed her late slip to the teacher. She walked over to us with her head down.

“Whats wrong Mo?” I asked. She shook her head. She looked at me and then back down. Sierra did not want to yell, so she asked her what was wrong with her in a quiet yell. She finally spoke to us.

“I’m okay, I’m just not feeling well.” She responds.

“Then why didn’t you call us?” Sierra said.

 “I forgot. I woke up late okay.” We knew she was lying. So we left it alone. I started to put thoughts together. That’s the same look I had on my face when my dad first raped me. I didn’t want to believe it. he said he had another one, someone way better. I did catch him feel Monica’s hand at dinner. I saw how he looks at her.Thats why I tried my best to keep them away from that house. I put two and two together. When I figured it out, I looked at Monica and started to cry. She noticed me staring. She must of thought I knew or found out or something because she lowered her head some more. I saw a tear fall from her eye to her jeans. How could he do that to her. She is so innocent. So sweet and he took advantage of her, just like he did me. I felt what she was going through. My poor bestfriend. Now I know he told her to keep quiet. Monica, no way near the quiet type. So he must’ve done her something. No matter what it was, I was going to find out, just like he knew about me almost telling my mother. There were cameras. I just didnt know where they were located in that house. The bell rang for next hour, and she was the first out. She didnt even wait for us. Me and Sierra tried to catch up with her, but when we got outside, we didnt see her. Where could she have gone? I didnt want to be late and nor did SiSi, so we went our own ways, and promised to catch up later to look for her.

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