Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The judge insisted that I get a DNA test, and I did. At first, my dad didn’t want to cooperate, but he was forced to. He finally gave in a took it. He didn’t even get to see baby Desiree yet. He still was in prison and my lawyer kept me posted on everything there was to know. My mom was an emotional wreck. She wanted a divorce. We had to go to court again. My dad cried his eyes out when my mom divorced him. He said he loved her, mom momma just stood there and walked off. The judge ended the court session.

I went outside to check the mail. It was the DNA test result. It took two months  for this to arrive. I swallowed hard as my eyes widened. I ran in the house.

“THE TEST IS HERE D, ITS HERE.” I prayed and hope that it was his baby. I yelled from the top of my lungs.

“Open it up, hurry.” He said. He had nothing but faith that Desiree is his. My said that she does not look anything like him. I don’t got damn know. I took a deep breath and I began to tear the side of the envelope. I looked at the paper’s and I almost died. I dropped the papers, and frozed in my position. I looked at Derion aho had concern all over his face. He picked the papers up. He began to cry.

“So I’m not the father.” He said, sounded really hurt.

I was too, he hugged me. “I want to kill that mother fucker.” He yelled knocking the chair over. The he flipped the table over, breaking the glass. He dropped to his knees and buried his face in his hands. I cried so terribly. The first time I heard and saw him cry didn’t compare to this time. My bae was so upset. He got up and went into the room, and I followed him.

“Derion don’t cry baby, I am hurt too. I’m hurt as much as you. I wanted Desiree to be yours, I hoped that she would be.” I patted his back. He reached up and grabbed me, and pulled me into his arms.

“I’m good, don’t be sorry for me.” He said softly as his tears fell on me. I cried with him. He picked up Desiree and rocked her from side to side. He kissed her forehead. “I’m okay, I still claim her as my baby. She’s still gonna call me daddy.” He smiled. He pulled me close to him and kissed me to. “My family.” He said in my ear.

*A week later *

All the evidence that I had, Greyson was in disbelief. He was charged with domestic violence, trespassing, violent threats, and rape. The police found a room in the hose behind my mommas bookshelf where all the cameras were. They were recording everything. It showed everything that happened when I was small to sixteen. The abuse, and the rape. The cameras even showed when I took showers and when I used to bring Sierra and Monica over in the shower. Everything was used against him. He now serves 30 years to life in prison with no chance of parole.

He gets visitors but only my mom goes to see him from time to time. Even though they still are divorce I think she still loves him. He even call her everyday and she answers. She told me that he be asking for me, and that he wants to see me. I don’t want to see him though. He also wanted to see Desiree, but I didn’t want to. My mom was too upset about being a grandma/step mom. I can see why. My momma loved Desiree more than she loved me. I wasn’t jealous though. She always wanted to babysit her. I would let her to, that’ll be the time Derion and I do our thang.

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