Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I woke up. I took my time though. I was in a hospital bed, attached to all of these different kinds of things. I saw an IV stuck inside my wrist. I swallowed hard. What happened to me? I looked around the room. I saw Derion on the couch by the window. I smiled. He is always here and there for me. I faced the door and my mom was standing there. She walked over to me. She moved the piece of hair that was in my face behind my ear.

“How are you feeling Grey?” she asked me.

“Good.” I struggled to speak.

“You past out at school today, and you’re not feeling well.” She told me.

I could not respond. On top of that, my head was hurting. I wondered where my dad was. He was the only one not here. The doctor walked in, pulled a chair on side of me. Derion got up and held my hand. I squeezed it.

“How are you Grey?” the doctor asked me. I did not speak but I gave a thumbs up. “Okay, I checked you out and everything is fine, but there was one thing you should know.” He gave me that look. I nodded. Please, do not let me have any diseases. Please don’t let me have any. “It turns out that you’re pregnant.” I thought I took my last breath when I heard him say that. I looked up to my mom. She shook her head and stared at me. Derion eyes were wide. Oh, shit! I forgot to take my pills.

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