Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Stop Derion, you gonna make me pee on myself.” I told him between laughs as he continues to tickle me. He finally stopped and rolled over onto me.

“Next time don’t talk about my cooking.” He said while laughing.

“It’s not my fault you can’t cook with yo black self.”

“Ay, at least I try. I don’t see you up in that kitchen making me dinner.” He smirked. He kissed me on the lips.

“This not my house.” I yelled playfully.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got your house and I got mines, but when you come over here this is your house to.” He sounded serious. “And did you just yell at me.” he started to tickle me again. His mom walked in on us.

“Jesus, yall two.” We look up at her still giggling.

“Hey mother.”

“Hey son, me and your dad is going out for the night, we will be back around, you don’t need to know all that.”

“Okay, well see you later” he said


“Bye Ms. Davidson.” I yelled.

“Umhuh.” She repeated.

We watched them as they pulled out the driveway.

“I guess it’s just me and you babe.” He sat on the bed. He licked his lips at me.

“Looks like you want something from me.” I bit my bottom lip.

“You know I do. Come sit on my lap.” He instructed me. I walked over at sat on his lap. He sucked on my neck and gave me a passion mark. His hands migrated down to my ass. He lifted me up and turned me over so that I’m lying on the bed. He spread my legs open and climbed on top of me. I pulled his face toward mines and we started kissing. Then we started touching, and feeling, and rubbing. He put his hand in my black tights underneath my pink panties. He played with my clitoris. Going up and down, and around and around.

“AH, um don’t stop D.” I cried out in pleasure.

But he did not listen. He removed his hands. He slid my shirt off. I did the same to him. He then took my tights off. I took his cargos off. I scanned his body with my tongue as he unsnapped my bra. He pushed me onto the bed and took my panties off. As soon as he did, I crossed my legs.

“Oh so you playing that game huh?” he took off his boxers off, then uncrossed my legs. I gave him a smile. He lifted me off the bed. He sat down, while still holding me, I slid my wet vagina onto his erection. I tilted my head back.   

“Uuhhhmmmm” I softly moaned. I started to move up and down on him, giving him my all.

“Damn Grey. Shit.” He said as he slapped my ass a couple of times.

“OH, FUCK, oh FUCK, aaaaaaaahh, damn.” I moaned and yelled. After a few, he placed me in different positions. He started to pound deep inside me. Faster, and faster, then slow. Then he would pick up the paste again. How could I feel comfortable doing it with him though? I shook the thought of my head.

“Grey,” he called out me. “I am about to cum.” With that said, we both came together.

Our breathing was heavy, and it got even hotter. Nice for a Friday night. He finally got some energy to get up. He led me into the bathroom and ran some water. When the water was done, he extended his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he led me in the tub, but he was in there first. I laid my head back to rest on his muscular chest. I took a deep breath.

“Derion can I talk you about something, but it’s a secret?” I asked nervously.

“You know you can talk to me about anything and everything.” He said, “We’ve been together since 8th grade, you never hid anything away from me, so yeah talk.” I got all quiet. I wish he was right. I felt guilty.

“You promise you won’t say anything or get mad?” I turned around and faced him.

“If it’s bad I can’t make that promise Grey.” He answered.

A tear fell from my face. I cant do it. I cannot tell him. I don’t want him to be mad at me.

“Don’t cry Grey, talk to me.” he said as he wiped my tears away “What is it?” he asked.

“Nothing” I spoke

“Then why are you crying? It must something that you need or want to tell me bad?” “And as your boyfriend, I want to know. Now?” I broke down and just cried. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. “You ready to get out?” I nodded.

I dried my body off, along with putting on my clothes. I looked over and Derion was staring at me. When I’d look, he would shake his head.

“What?” I said with cracks in my voice.

“Come here girl.” He said while laughing. I walked over and sat on his lap. “You know I love you right?”

“Yeah, I know” I said so down.

“Well why can’t you tell me what’s going on in this big mind of yours?” he asked

“Because if you knew what I go through all the time, you’d understand.”

“I wanna know what’s going on then. Don’t hide anything from Grey?” He yelled at me. “What girl hides important stuff from their lover? Want me to tell, a cheater. On the other hand, unless she’s hiding something………….”

I just sat there and listen to his speech. He made me cry. You know what I’m gonna do, I’ll just step up and tell him. I rose from the bed. In addition, gave him a piece of my mind.

“How dare you sit here, and judge me. You want to know. You wanna know what is wrong with Derion?” he did not answer me so I went on. “Ever since I was ten my daddy would come in my room at night when my momma was sleep and he’d touch me” tears streamed down my face “ when I got a little older, he took my virginity. He raped me Derion. The saddest part about is that he still does it. That is why I am down all the time. I know I hid this from you, and I am sorry. I could not tell you this. And he even threatened to kill me if I said a word. I so sorry D, I am.” I fell to my knees and he rushed to me. He felt sorry. I even felt it.

“I’m sorry Grey. I didnt know, and you don’t know how hurt I am. I want to kill that bastard.” I sat in silence. For the first time I saw Derion cry. He starred into my eyes. He broke down and cried. We were holding each other shedding tears.

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