Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Derion are you ready?” I asked him. We were getting ready to go to school. I hated school now. It felt like everyone was talking about me, making fun of me being pregnant. People be so quick to judge others when they don’t know whats going on.

“Yeah, lets go” he said as he came out the bedroom. He grabbed the keys and we left.

He parked the car, and got out. He helped me out of the car. It feel s like I am about to bust any moment now. My best friends came running up to us.

“Hey girls, and Derion.” Girls, did Mo just say girls. Then it hit me, the baby. Sierra hugged me and D. We all walked to the cafeteria. I didn’t feel like eating whatever it was cuz it didn’t  smell right to me, so we all left. All eyes were on me. Its like this every day. They act like they never saw me before, hello, I am still the same person. I take classes with some of you all.

The bell rung and we went to our class, then the next, and the next, and the next, then the other class,  another one, and finally, the last class.

I met up with Derion to leave. This girl stopped me in the middle of the hall. “Hey, you are Grey right.”

“Yeah, why?”

“Well,” she looked back at a boy “my friend over there wanted to know if you’d ya know with him. Not go out though, Just fuck.”

I turned around so quick and walked off.

“He said since your not a virgin anymore and your lose, he would ove to tap that.” She yelled from all the way there. That’s good not a lot of people were around, but the ones who were, was laughing at me. I tried to run away but I couldn’t, my tummy was to big and almost heavy. I wiped my tears away. As I reached Derion by the car he asked me what was wrong.

“Nothing I just wanna go home” I got in the car and leaned my head on the window.

I sat in the den on the couch looking out the window. I couldn’t really sleep last night. I did though. I had a lot on my mind. When I came home, I went straight to sleep.  Just thinking about all of this stuff and what’s going on, is really stressing me out. That is not healthy for me. Especially since I am pregnant. Six months at that going on seven. That’s weird, because I’m 16 going on seventeen. It feels like Im about to lose my mind.

Derion came down there. He didn’t bother to ask questions or talk. He was damn right, because I wasn’t in the mood to. He just flicked on the TV and we watched SpongeBob. He pulled my arm, and i yanked it back. We repeated this four more times. He started to tickle me, and I laughed. We started to play around and stuff. but we didnt talk. Im so thankful that i have someone like him to be by myside. I love him so much. I wish there was a better way that I can expain it. I dont know what I would do without Derion, and I really do hope that this is his our baby, and not my dad's.

Derion got out of the shower. He had only a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was wet, dripping water from his chest. He looked too good right about now. Too bad I got to wait to get my grove. He saw me standing in front of the mirror. I had my black lace panties on with the matching bra, rubbing my stomach. Then he gave me a look. I dont know what it meant though.

"Do you still love me, even though I'm fat." I asked, checking myself from the side.

"Your not fat, and to answer your question yes." he came over by me. He wrapped his arms around my waist so that they would touch my belly. Im so thankful that i have someone like him to be by myside. I love him so much. I wish there was a better way that I can expain it. I dont know what I would do without Derion, and I really do hope that this is his baby, and not my dad's.

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