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      Sometimes all it takes to push someone over the edge is one little word. That word can be different in any situation. Well in my situation that word was okay. It's a small word that normally you wouldn't think would be the cause as to what i did but somehow it was. All he had to say was okay, and that's when i was just done. Done with life, done with trying to stay alive, and done with hiding.

As i stand on the edge of this ledge. The wind whipping at my face. The building is about twelve stories tall. Not the best high but i guess i'll have to deal with it. Death is death no matter how its come by. I could have easily died from cancer, or maybe even the people that are after me. I don't want them to win though. So this death will have to be at my own hands.

He followed me here, but i outsmarted him. He knows i'm in the city but he does not know which building i chose for my death. He wants me alive for reasons i do but yet don't know. Nevertheless he won't find me until it's too late. The dark shadow of him and his people will no longer follow me around, for i have taken matters into my own hands. 

Some people may say a prayer before death but come on let's be a little original for once. I scoff in my head at the quotes for the Hollywood bestseller movies about suicide. The middle aged woman that gave out her condolences openly for the teenager's mom down the road after her kid was found lying on the bathroom floor. 'He's in a better place' this woman would say to the mother who's in tears over her lost son, but ironically this woman who represents all of mankind only feels mildly bad for the woman who lost her son. All she's truly thinking about is how awkward the situation she's been put into is and how she just wants to head home.

 The wind whips harder which jars me from my thoughts. I need to get over with this. I can't keep wasting time, he'll find me soon. I'd rather him find me dead than alive. Just jump. It's not like it's a hard thing to do. Truthfully i'm not even scared. This is freedom for me. Mankind fears the unknown but i embrace it welcomly.

The word okay replays in my mind over and over. Embrace my death? Okay. I step off the ledge into the open cool air, and begin to fall. I'm not falling to my death, i'm falling to my freedom. The wind screams in my ears, as i race to the ground. Faster and faster i head to my freedom. The screaming wind still can't overshadow the word okay in my mind. The ground comes closer and closer, with no fear and no pain, at least not yet. I see his face and feel how pissed he'll be but at this point i don't even care. I'm inches away from the black pavement, then i hit, and all goes dark. 

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