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      I get off the plane in England, not that far from London. Now i just need to figure out where i need to go to get the information i'm looking for. I look around my surroundings seeing the city spread out around me. The buildings here look different from the ones in New York; i of all people should know, i mean I've killed myself from the top of the ones there. These buildings look older, but still reach for the sky. Not bad from more suicide attempts i note to myself. Looking around i see a public library. Maybe there i can get some answers.

As i walk in i see that it is dimly lit by lamps spread out within the room. I feel at home in the darkness of this room, with the depression that covers me, like a wet blanket that i can shake off. It's alright though, i am and will get what i deserve. Moving to the back library i begin to research the 'myth' that is my kind. I pull multiple books off of the shelves; leaving behind the dust from sitting there for so long. I walk over to a table and set down the stack, it rises above my head. 

  I lose all track of time; it seems like its been just a minute before the tired looking librarian startles me by lightly touching my shoulder. I haven't been touched in awhile, at least not in a violent manner i think to myself as she apologizes for scaring me. "We are closing now" she says waiting for my response. I just nod. At some point i had gotten up from the table with all the books and went to the computer; i was so focused i didn't notice. I get up slowly and begin to leave; looking at the clock on the wall before walking out the door i see that it's almost one in the morning. I came in here before the sun went down. It occurs to me that i haven't slept seen killing at least three people, which was about three days ago now.   

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