One Night Change Them All

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"Jay! It's been a week since you told us you had a girlfriend, the least you can do is tell us her name!" Ruzek stated.

"Yeah, well maybe I don't think you should know. Maybe I think that she could be the one and maybe no one should know yet." Jay said, not knowing Erin was listening from just around the corner.

"The one? So she's that good, huh? She's gonna get you to settle down," Ruzek asked.

"Maybe. I said I think she could be the one. I didn't say she was." Jay countered.

"Well, Jay, you've got your work cut out for you, don't ya?" Ruzek teased.

"Yeah, Jay. Don't ya?" Erin giggled as she butt into their conversation.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny you guys, but it's true." He said as he looked at Erin.

"Okay, sure." Erin pat him on the back, smiled, and walked away. When she was out of the line of sight, she leaned up against the cold wall and her face fell. Was that what he really thought? He thinks we're more than just a one night stand? He wants more? She thought to herself.

"Erin, what I said back there. Don't think anything about it? It was nothin', just me blabbin' on." Jay lied.

"What if I felt the same way, though?" Erin questioned.

"Then I'd say, my place, 8 o'clock, tonight." Jay replied.

"Is this an offer or are you just answering a question?" Erin asked.

"Whatever you want it to be." Jay smiled and walked away.

She smiled and walked back to her desk.


Erin got in her car after work and headed to Jay's. It was 7:30-ish and she was in a rush to get to his place. She wanted them probably more than he wanted them.

When the clock passed 8 and kept going, Jay kept wondering where she was. He paced around and figured she must've changed her mind. Maybe she wasn't gonna come in the first place.


The next morning, Jay woke up and had no phone calls from Erin.

He went into work and sat down at his desk. He watched as Ruzek came in and started teasing him. He then watched everyone else come in but Erin. She was never late, but now she is.

"Hey, has anyone seen Erin? She's never late?" Jay asked.

"No, not since yesterday." Antonio responded.

"Yeah, I haven't either." Ruzek stated.

They got a case and started working on it. He kept wondering where she was. If she was sick. If she needed space. If she ran away.

When they got back to the district, he sat in his chair and pulled out his phone. He called her a couple of times. He figured, she must not want to talk so I'll call her one more time and then I'll leave it at that.

The phone rang a couple of times and finally someone picked up. "Hello, Erin, where are you?" Jay asked.

"This is Dr. Makarov, I'm sorry to inform you but Ms. Lindsay has been in a car accident, we didn't know who to call but maybe you do. She's at Memorial Hospital in Milwaukee."

"Thank you. Is it possible that you could transfer her to Chicago Medical Hospital. She lives in Chicago."

"Of course. It'll be 3 hours. We have to get her prepped to leave and then the hour and a half ride to Chicago."

"Thank you, Doctor. Um, if you need to call me to inform me of anything, don't hesitate. This is Detective Jay Halstead by the way." Jay hung up.

"She's in the hospital in Milwaukee. I don't know what happened, they said she got in a car accident but she'll be at Med in three hours." Jay informed the rest of the Intelligence unit. "The doctor said he'd inform me if anything happened." 

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