"Romeo and Juliet"

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Jay held her close in bed, wanting to live this day forever. He knew today was gonna be a bad day for her. He knew it. It was gonna be tragic. He could feel in his heart that he had to cherish this moment.

She woke up slowly and eventually got up. He followed her into the kitchen as they waited for their children to wake up.

They drank their coffee in silence, only smiles and kisses filling the room.

Jay frowned as he pulled away from her kiss.

"Erin, I'm sorry for everything. For every sad thing I've done to hurt you. For every moment you felt you hated me, I'm sorry," he then smiled and hugged her.

"I'm gonna head into work, I'll see you there?" Erin said.

"Yeah, I'll drop the kids off at daycare. See you there," he kissed her goodbye.

Erin went off to work and waited for the rest of the unit to arrive. Moments went by until she realized the only one left yet to arrive was Jay and Antonio.

"Voight, where's Antonio and Jay?" She asked.

"I sent them out to check out this abandoned warehouse. We got a call of a shooting, funny enough, it was Tank Bowser," Voight informed.

Tank Bowser. The guy they suspected of abusing his family and eventually murdering his two sons. We didn't have enough evidence to pin it on him, so he walked. Antonio took this case really hard.

"Okay, thanks. If you don't mind I'm gonna ride out there and see what's up."

"Go ahead, Erin. But be safe."

As she got in the car, she buckled up and turned on her radio.

Not long after, a call came on the radio. "Shots fired at 24 West Chatlin Street! Officer down! Officer down!" It was Jay. "We need an ambo immediately."

She stepped on the accelerator and got there as quick as she could. When she got out there, she saw Jay putting pressure on Antonio chest. Jays head was bleeding but he stated he was okay.

"What happened?" She asked.

"We walked in cautiously. It seemed abandoned, but next thing I knew, men were charging at us guns blazing. At least 6. We pulled out our guns and took cover but one hit Antonio. I don't know how we fought them off, but the fled," Jay mumbled.

The ambulance arrived not long after and Jay rode in the ambulance with Antonio. Erin followed them. When they arrived at the hospital, everyone waited in the waiting room for an update on Antonio.

The surgeon came out with an update. "The bullet was inches away from his heart, it missed, luckily and it looks as if he will make a full recovery!"

Everyone cheered except for Jay. Jay smiled, hugged Erin, and then walked toward the vending machine.

"What's wrong?" Erin questioned him.

"I need a drink of water," he muttered. He was starting to sweat really bad. His words slurred.

She directed the doctor over to him, and as the doctor approached, Jay fell to the floor.

Erin's heart stopped. She was terrified for him. She paced the hallways after they took him away. They rushed him into surgery and everyone tried to support her but she pushed them away. She couldn't look at them because it made her upset.

She was happy Antonio was okay, but Jay needed to be okay. He had to be.

She walked back to the waiting room, as she entered, all eyes fell on her. She sat down in an uncomfortable hospital chair and waited for the surgeon.

When he came out, she didn't bother to stand, she was so upset. "He had a subdural bleed. We worked to ease the pressure. We located the source of the bleed and sutured the blood vessels," the doctor started.

"So he's okay? Can we see him?" Voight questioned.

"I'm afraid, we were unsuccessful. He had a brain hemorrhage which left him brain dead. The next of kin has to decide what to do next. I will say that organ donation is a great option, but it is completely up to them. You can page me once you come to a decision."

The waiting room sank. They expected a good answer. Will fell to the ground with hurt. Natalie held tight to him. Erin couldn't process it and sat there motionless. Emotionless. She was frozen.


Erin eventually decided to donate his organs, saving the lives of many people. Even through death, Jay was saving lives.

It was a hard decision for Erin to make, but it was the only one she could even choose. She mourned for a while and kept wondering why it happened, but eventually she learned that it had to happen. She wanted a happily ever after but it wasn't in the cards for them. It was the only ending to their perfect love story. They were like Romeo and Juliet. Two lovers, separated by tragedy.

"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo." —William Shakespeare

The end...

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