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Guys, I just got really excited and listening to the song above got me inspired and I wrote and wrote. I'm very excited for where I'm taking this, I hope you guys like it to, so please comment if you like this, thanks! Hope you enjoy! Also, I just really had to publish it. 

Erin's head dropped to the pavement, her body ached. Jay ran over to her and grabbed her hand, "I'm right here, babe, right here." He squeezed her hand.

Erin tried speaking but it came out in pieces. "I..So...Le...Go..Ne..Da.."

"Shhh," Jay shushed. "Save your strength."

He pulled her into his arms until the ambulance got there.

Jay watched as the ambulance left, and walked over to his car. Before even getting in, he kicked it a few times, and then punched out his window.

Hours later, Erin finally got out of surgery and was recovering in her room.

Erin's eyes slowly opened, "Jay?" She called out a few times for him.

"He went out for a minute, said he'll be back." The doctor stated, "You had some internal bleeding, we were able to open you up and stop it. You have a fractured wrist and a broken clavicle. Your femur is broken, along with your right ankle. Fortunately, we were able to pop your hip back in place, but yes, that popped out of socket. You also have a cracked rib and a few bruised ribs. A lot of stuff happened while you were out, Ms. Lindsay, but things can only go up from here, right?" The doctor tried to ease things.

Erin froze, "The baby?"

"Excuse me?" The doctor asked.

"The baby, I'm pregnant, is it okay?" Erin questioned frantically.

"Ms. Lindsay..." The doctor started, "It's a miracle that the baby survived. You're what, nearly 12 weeks?"

"Yeah, about so." Erin let out a light smile.

"I figured. The baby is healthy, you're healthy, despite the injuries you endured, they should all heal up and you should be able to deliver your baby perfectly fine."

"Thank the lord," Erin murmured.

"What's going on?" Jay walked in, asking.

"Jay, the baby is okay." Erin cried.

"Erin, you're okay. That's all I care about right now," He reached for her hand.

"All I care about is this baby, I don't care if it kills me, Jay. I can't lose it, I've already lost everything else," Erin stated. After she said that, the doctor dismissed himself.

"You haven't lost me," Jay smiled.

"But I have."

"What do you mean?"

"We're divorced, Jay." Erin turned.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot."

"You forgot!?" Erin screamed, angry. "How could you forget?"

"I just got all my feelings mixed up right now. I want to be here for you, for the baby. I want to, but I don't know if I still have feelings for you. All of this, the accident, it made me re-evaluate them and I don't know what to feel," Jay explained.

"Go. Figure out what you want, but don't come back. I can't talk to you right now, I can't deal with this, leave me alone Jay."

"No, Erin. I'm not leaving you."

"Yes, yes you are. I'll call security."

"No, I'm here for you," Jay whispered.

"When I needed you the most, you didn't come to my rescue, so don't try and show up now. You don't want to be my knight in shining armor and I don't want you to be," Erin stated.

"That's not how it is, Erin, I love you, like I said. But I can push those aside right now, I need to be here, if not for you, for me."

"That's the thing, Jay. I don't want you here, so you might as well leave. I don't need you, I don't want you, and I've been through worse on my own, so just go." He didn't move. "Go, Jay!" Still, he persisted to stay. She finally dialed security and they came in.

"Either you go, or we carry you out." They said.

"I love you, Erin. I'll be back."

"No, you won't." The security guy stated, pulling him out of the room.

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