Chapter 2 - Later that day

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-Kiki's POV-

I stormed into my apartment, alarming my roommate Emma. She looked up from her magazine.

"You're home, what happened ?" She asked.

"A complete waste of my time. I saw my old friends from high school." I flopped down next to her.


"Including what ?"

She pumped her eyebrows and smiled at me. "Did you see him ?"

"Yeah. I saw him."

She asked for a picture so I brought up his Instagram. She scrolled for a couple minutes wiping drool from my phone screen.

"He's so hot. What's his name ?"

"Ass face."

"I'm serious."

"Butt fuck."

"KIKI !"


She smiled and returned to scrolling. "Single ?"

"It's been years, so doubt it. He always talked about wanting pussy when he was dating me." I said.

"Your pussy right?"

"Well, duh."

She muttered something. "Did he love you?"

"I don't know...yeah...I guess. I'm done talking about him. So drop it."

I plucked the phone out of her hands and walked into my bedroom. Logging into Facebook, I saw I had a new friend request. It was Eternity, I raised an eyebrow but accepted it regardless.

Et: Hey
Me: You're such a stalker.
Et: Hey! True... But I could of gone to rapist lengths to get your number or something so be grateful.
Me: Glad you didn't.
Et: So did you know Coleen?
Me: No. Did u?
Et: No. I just don't understand why she brought us into this.
Me: Its cuz we are black.
Et: Alex and Angelina aren't black tho.
Me: They count.
Et: We need to get the squad back together.

I glared at the screen. How could we just reunite and get back together after all the shit that went down? She knows it's not that easy. It won't be. I just typed a quick goodnight and logged out.

Sep 21,2020

-Alex's POV-

4 days later we were all called in for questioning again, me being the rebellious adult I am, I almost didn't go. But I didn't want them busting in my apartment with handcuffs and guns dragging me out. So I went. But I'm unhappy about it.

Luckily for the them they finally gathered their smarts and had us individually questioned. Good job for learning your lessons. I was first to go.

"Did you know Coleen Josephs?" The detective asked.

"Know her? No. She was in my morning classes on Thursdays but that's it." I told him.

"Do you know of any enemies she had? Anyone that would want to hurt her?"

"I dunno."

"Fight with a boyfriend perhaps? Close friend?"

"I don't know any of her friends. And I don't know if she has a boyfriend." I massaged my temples, this shit was started to give me a migraine.

"Well..." The detective sighed, obviously not liking what I'd given. "Thanks for you cooperation."

I got up and left the room to sit out in the waiting area. They took Angelina next.

"What did you say in there?" Kiki asked.

"Nothing helpful." I rolled my eyes. "I didn't know her. They'll probably ask all of you about a boyfriend."

"It's odd that they didn't question the supposed person who's the closest to her. Michael's a pussy anyways." Andrew ruffled her hair.

"Who's Micheal?" Eternity asked.

"Her boyfriend, I'm guessing." Kiki said.

Andrew looked at her then back to Eternity. "Yeah, Micheal Phillips. He's one of her best guy friends. They got together two weeks ago."

"She went missing two weeks ago. So how is that possible?" I asked.

Andrew shrugged. "But, he doesn't seem at all bothered by it. Shall we pay him a visit?"

"Hell yes."

Just then Angelina entered and Andrew went in. She plopped down, blowing out air.

"What the fuck is this shit." She said loudly. "I didn't even know the chick."

"None of us did." Et said.

Kiki opened her mouth to say something but shut it quietly.

"You know, Kiki. Andrew still loves you. He hasn't slept with anyone or dated anyone since you." I told her.

"How would you know that? It's not like we all were around to see that or not." She glared.

"He was always loyal to you." I said.

"Shut the fuck up Alex, I don't want your sympathy." She spat.

I huffed, Andrew came out looking pissed and they called Kiki. She passed him without giving him a glance.

"So you knew her?" I asked as he sat down.

"No. I only heard of her from Micheal." He said.

"Well Kiki will be glad to hear that." Angelina said to no one in particular.

"Why?" He asked.

Then Kiki came out and sat down as Eternity walked in.

"Kiki." Andrew said suddenly. "Why would it matter if I was dating or not?"

Because she still loves you and still wants to be with you... I thought.

"It doesn't. We aren't together anymore, you're free." She smiled half-heartedly. "You can go eat as much pussy as you'd like. Just don't get a belly ache."

Me and Angel shared glances, and we both sighed deeply.

"Would it matter if I was?" Kiki asked.

"Are you?" He asked, his voice letting out a small dose of worry.

"No, but if I was?"


I wanted to smack both of them. Et entered the room so the conversation was over. Andrew stood.

"So we already to go talk to an unaware boyfriend?"

We all nodded.

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