Chapter 22 - New Years Eve

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-Eternity's POV-

I pulled my dress on, struggling to zip it up all the way, when I finally get it I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. I only had a couple more minutes before I had to head to Angelina's apartment, and before Tyler would get here to pick me up.

I didn't know what Tyler was yet, but he's really sweet and I'd really enjoy for things to go further... I heard a knock at my door, I scan over my body and slip into my wedges walking towards the door.

I open it with a smile, John stood there smirking, "Miss me?"


I screamed loud, waking from my dream. The girls groaned around me. I frown wiping the sweat from my face.

"Dammit Eternity," Kiki growled.

"You couldn't of chosen a better time to be an annoying rooster." Alex mutters.

"We can't be doing this shit....I'm actually having a terrorless sleep." Angelina sighed.

They all soon fell asleep, they're words still hurt even though I knew they were half awake and didn't mean it. I lean over Alex to get my phone, I check its 4AM, they were really gonna hate me for that rude awakening. I decided to get up and start my day early, especially since I didn't know what I was wearing to Angelina's new year's party.

I gently walk out of the room and close the door, I jump into the shower letting the ache from the nightmare go down the drain, wrapping myself in a towel I braid my hair quickly and go into my closet to pick clothes for the day.

The doorbell randomly rang, I frown and hurry to put clothes on before crossing the living room to answer the door. Andrew stood there smiling at me with a box in his hands.

"Well, it's not that I'm unhappy to see you, but isn't it a bit early for you to be awake right now?" I ask him.

He slides past me and puts the box down, "shouldn't I be asking you the same?"

I roll my eyes, "what's this?"

"Donuts, it's new year's Eve. I'm thinking we could all use some celebration." He smiled and opened the box.

"I think I'm all too celebrated out from Christmas to be honest." I admit.

"Did you sleep with Tyler?" He asked chomping into a donut.

I stop mid-grab for a donut, "what!? No!"

"Then you aren't too celebrating out. Angel and Trae fucked, Eric and Alex fucked." He says taking another bite. "Surprisingly I kept my dick in my pants, I'm very proud."

"That's still really disgusting." I roll my eyes and grab my donut. "Why did you get so many?"

"Because I'm feeding fat asses, who will eat more than one donut."

"I only wanted one..." I mutter.

"I know, I was talking about Kiki, Angelina, and Alex." He winks.

"I heard my name, why y'all talking shit?" Kiki asks entering the room.

"We aren't baby." Andrew says kissing her head and handing her a donut.

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