Chapter 21 - Christmas Special

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-Eternity's POV-

I turned off the stove, it was weird. It didn't feel like Christmas. But days don't feel like days anymore anyways. Angelina flew in last night, she crashed-literally crashed into the foot of My bed and slept all night.

She walked out barefoot with her hair in a messy bun. I look at her, "Morning sleepy head."

She grumbled and sat down on the kitchen floor. "You have coffee?"

"Yeah, but we don't have time. We are all meeting at the hospital to see Kiki this morning. She supposed to be released today." I said stepping over her.

"Do I have to get dressed?" She asks.

"Yes, yes you do." I say and look at her tired expression. "Go take a shower, I'll wait."

She silently thanks me and pads off to the bathroom. I quickly dial Alex's number.

"Hey Et, what's up?" She answers.

"Hey, Angel's taking a shower right now, so we gonna be a little late. See you soon." I tell her.

"OK bye," she hangs up.


20 minutes later, Angel walked out with wet hair and a Christmas sweater on.

"Don't say anything about my sweater or I will end you." She warns.

"Wasnt going to. I think it looks great actually." I say and grab my keys. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, can we stop by my apartment though? I wanna get my car." She says.

"Ugh yeah sure. Andrew is gonna kick my ass for letting you make us so late." I groan.

"He will get over it, I flew back down here so he really shouldn't complain." She smirks.

-Alex's POV-

"They went to get Angelina's car. They're on their way." I tell Andrew.

"I'm kind of regretting having her come back. She should of came back sooner than last night." He grumbled.

"It was the soonest flight Andrew." I say sternly.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go check on her." He says and walks away.

I roll my eyes, my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and smiled. "Hello?"

"Hey Alexandria. Merry Christmas." Eric chirps.

"Thanks love, merry Christmas to you too." I say. "What are you doing today?"

"Christmas dinner tonight with my parents. But until then, nothing. What about you?" He asks.

"Visiting my friend in the hospital, but after I'm done I could come by and give you a present?" I blush.

"I'd like that. I have to leave for my parents at 7, come by before then?"

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