Chapter 15 - November 2

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-Andrew's POV-

I handed over the drinks, sitting down next to Kiki who was staring off into space.

"So we are being stalked?" Alex asked.

"I feel like stalked isn't the right word..." Et said.

"Regardless what the right word is, whoever is killing all these people are seriously trying to make us go down as the killers." Kiki says.

"But why? Who could we have possibly pissed off enough for them to go on a killing spree and blame us for it?" I ask.

"John..." Et said quietly.

"'re right." I curse.

"Woah woah! We aren't gonna start pointing fingers, this isnt a stupid child's game. Like who the fuck took my Graham cracker, no. This is serious shit, we are talking about murders." Kiki stood up and paced around the room, Angelina enters the apartment. "I guess John really does fit the picture for someone who would love to pin these murders on us."

"Think again, John's dead. Camelia just got arrested for the murder." Angel said as she came to sit down.

"What!?" We all said.

"Yeah, it just happened on campus. Cami getting arrested, they found John's body in a dumpster near her dorm." She tells us.

"In his rightful place, hell, and in the dumpster because he's trash." Alex said scornfully.

"True, but...Cami killed him?" I ask.

I couldn't believe that, he treated her like shit and she didnt deserve that, and she didnt like him for that anymore, but she isn't a murderer.

"Yeah, they arrested her." Angel repeated.

"They arrested us before. Doesn't mean she's actually a murderer." I said annoyed.

"What are you getting at? Alex raised an eyebrow.

"He doesn't think she did it. And neither do I." Kiki spoke up, I looked at her. "She wouldn't murder anyone, she doesn't have much reason to. I think whoever killed Coleen and Emma and that other guy, killed John and planted evidence against Cami."

"OK, convincing argument, but if this killer has something against us, then why would they blame Cami and not us?" Eternity asked crossing her arms.

"That's what doesn't make sense..." Kiki said, frowning.

"The killer made it obvious he's pinpointing us. But maybe he's trying to confuse us. Make us think we know who he is, then throw us off. Like he did with John." I say.

"Why do you keep saying he? Like your so sure it's a guy." Alex knit her eyebrows together.

"I'm not. I'm just using formalities." I growl.

"Honestly, it probably is a guy. Because how would a girl take down John, pin it on literally everyone of us and Cami, and put Coleen to that tree like that." Angelina says nodding.

"I guess, yeah." We nodded.

"I'm gonna go talk to Cami," Kiki grabs her purse.

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