Chapter 25 - January 14

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-Angelina's POV-

It's been a couple of weeks since everything went down, and it's now winter break. Eternity and Tyler have been getting pretty serious. Alex has been with Eric as much as possible before he leaves for Brazil tomorrow, Kiki and Andrew have been arguing about dumb shit. And I've been watching Netflix and eating ice cream.

Alex wanted to plan a Oregon drive to shop and stay for the break, but no one really wanted to go. She hasn't dropped it yet though. I was surprised that Kiki hadn't jumped at the opportunity.

"Are you sure you don't want to escape the sadness that is Washington?" Alex asks.

"Oregon is still in Washington." I roll my eyes. "But yes I'm sure. I'm perfectly fine staying here watching Supernatural all over again in my bed."

"Fine, well Kiki agreed to come with me. So I guess we are going." She says.

"What about Et and big head?" I ask.

She snorts, "Et is with Ty, I think she might be meeting his family tonight actually. And big head is being a big jerk so I uninvited him."

"Ugh Kiki needs to stop being an asshole to him." I roll my eyes.

"It was both of them this time. That's what they say anyways." She says. "We aren't leaving until like 2, so you have time to change your mind."

"I doubt I will but thanks."

"No problem."

She hangs up and I decide to take a shower, because I've been laying in the same pajamas same position for 3 days straight and I felt disgusting. I turn the shower on and get in.


I don't know how long I was in there for so I hurried and got out. Wrapping myself in a towel, I walk into my room and throw on jeans and a long sleeve. I look around my room, it was a mess. Ice cream tubs were everywhere, mixed in were used tissues and empty tissue boxes, and my extension cords, and chargers.

I sigh and begin to clean up my room, by the time I finish it's 1:30, I walk around my apartment for things to do. When I see nothing I think about going back into bed. But I think about how fun it would be to go shopping and stay for a week in Oregon.

I run to my phone and call Alex, when she doesn't answer I call Kiki. Of course she answers. "Hey Angel what's up?"

"Hey have you and Alex left for Oregon yet?" I ask slightly out of breath.

"No, why? Changed your mind?" I could hear the smirk behind her voice.

"Actually yeah, I have." I say.

She gasped. "Really!? Great! Pack up we are coming to get you."

She hung up and I smiled, a real smile I haven't had in a while. I packed up the stuff I'd need for a week and extra stuff too just in case we stay longer or there's a complication. I hear Kiki's Charger outside, I turn off everything and grab my keys.

I got in her car after putting my bag in her trunk. She pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street as I put on my seat belt. "I thought you were gonna drive Alex."

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