Chapter 13 - October 30

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-Alex's POV-

"Do you think shes gonna wake up?" I ask.

"she will." Andrew said determined.

"She wouldn't miss Halloween." Et said.

"Yeah she would. She hates Halloween." Angel frowned.

Andrew held her hand tight, bags already had formed underneath his eyes.

"Andrew, love, you should really sleep. She'll be OK, we can watch her for you; shes been asleep for a week now." I tell him.

He shakes his head stubbornly, "She'd want me to stay." He yawned loudly, walking over to the corner of the room, he collapsed into a sobbing mess, covering his face.

Eternity and I went over to rub his back, Angelina looked at the time, and kissed Kiki's head.

"I gotta go back to my apartment to grab some stuff and Kiki's costume." She stood to leave, "I'll be back."

With that, she left, and Andrew's sobs reduced to raspy breaths.

"I still think we should of taken her to the doctor..." Et said quietly.

"No, no doctor." Andrew stuttered.

"It was a severe panic attack Andrew. And she hit her head too." I say.

He shakes his head again, we sigh. After a few minutes he tells us to leave him alone with Kiki, so we give that to him.

We walk out into the hallway.

"He's so stubborn." Et said.

"Yeah, he is. But he means well, his ex is in a coma and we really don't know if she's gonna wake up. That's why we should of taken her to the hospital." I say, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah but he would never let us take her, and it's not like we could while he slept. He hasn't slept in seven days." She reminds me.

"Yeah I know."

Just then, Angel walks in setting down a couple of bags and Kiki's costume next to all of ours.

"Anything new?" She asks.

We shake our heads. There was a knock at the door, Et went to go answer it while me and Angel went to go put away her stuff.

-Eternity's POV-

I opened the door, my eyebrows knit together at who stood on the doorstep. A small girl, with a couple of bags including a suitcase. She had a big belly.

"Um...can i help you?" I ask confused.

"Well this was my apartment not really, but you could stand out of the doorway so I can come in." She says.

I can't tell if she's serious or if she was being an ass. I stand my ground either way and stare at her.

"You aren't going to move are you," she blew a strand of hair out of her face. "Can you please move so I can sit down? Holding a baby is a bit of work you know."

Well that explains the big stomach, I move aside, she drags in all of her stuff and leaves it in the walkway. Seeming to know her way around she walks into the living room and flops down on the couch, bearing a big sigh.

"So who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Emma, Kiki's old roommate."

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