Chapter 23 - January 2

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I wanted to start out this chapter by saying thanks to my mains for commenting so much on my chapters and to my low-key boo who texts me what she thinks. Y'all make me literally cry with laughter. I love you guys so much. Keep showing love. -K

-Angelina's POV-

I wipe my tears from my cheeks, feeling my phone buzz for the fifteenth time I still didn't answer it. I shouldn't be crying over him. People go all the time, I shook myself, I didn't know why it was affecting me so bad this time.

My phone buzzed frantically, I screamed and answered it, "yeah?"

"Why the fuck are you yelling at me!?" Kiki screams.

"Because you've been blowing me up since yesterday and it's pretty obvious I don't want to talk to anyone." I say annoyed.

"I don't care, I'm your friend, I'm trying to help you. Isolation will make this all worse."

I rubbed my eyes with the balls of my hand, "how will isolation make this worse? Its not like you've been in this position."

She sighs on her end, "yes, I haven't. You need to be around friends, you need comfort."

"No." I say shortly. "I need this douchebag to get murdered because he took away someone I actually cared deeply for. So until you guys are ready to help I don't want to talk to you."

I hang up, looking at the time, I decide to get out of the car and walk to the police station. They all looked at me when I entered, not because they knew me but because I looked like shit, my eyes were puffy because I said fuck makeup this morning.

I walk up to the front desk, there was a lady sitting there typing away on her computer. She glanced down at me.

"Can I help you?" Her voice was so high pitched and squeaky I tried not to cringe.

"Yeah, uh, I'm supposed to be questioned about my boyfriend's murder." I say awkwardly.

She blinked. "Do you know who's the officer administering the questioning?"

" I don't."

She sighs and walks away. No one told me a name they just said to come here at 10. I roll my eyes, I could feel the roaming officers staring at me. Like I was a criminal, like I'd killed him, no. I didn't kill him, they should be off their asses finding who did it.

The lady came back with a fat officer who had his hand on his gun. I looked at him, and back at her.

"This officer will take care of it." She says simply.

I nod, following him into a room. I've been in a room like this, so I knew how it worked. I wondered who was on the other side of the glass.

"I'm going to tape, and film this for records, okay?" He asks.

"Okay." I noticed he hadn't told me what his name was. Not that I gave a shit.

"So, you were close with Traevon, correct?" He asks.

"Yes, I was his girlfriend." My heart ached.

"How long were you two together?"

"Really not long, maybe a month or two?"

"Did he seem off at all before his death?"

I racked my brain hard, I really wanted to help, I owed it to Trae. "No, he was being his normal charming self...well...I guess he was acting weird when he left my house before the party that night."

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