Chapter 12 - Monday, Oct 19

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-Alex's POV-

I walk into the restaurant and I sigh, my mom was only paying attention to her phone, as always. I roll my eyes and sit down.

"Alex, you came." Relief flushed her cheeks.

"I said I was going to. I don't want to be distasteful." I said with hostility.

She cleared her throat, "OK...well...'ve you been?"


"Yeah, the weather is cold. I understand that." She said. "I'm well, do you speak to your sister often?"

"I saw McKenzie a while ago." I say shortly.

"Alex, can't you see I'm trying?" She looked tired.

"I don't care if you try or not." I stood. "I'm leaving."

So I left.

Wednesday, Oct 21
-Angelina's POV-

"Do we even think shes going to come?" I ask.

"Shes pissy, she won't." Kiki said.

"I want to go on the rides before the lines get batshit crazy." Eternity sighed.

"Then let's go." Alex said.

"You came." Andrew said.

"I'm not missing Fright Fest." She rolls her eyes.

"Well we aren't missing your attitude." Kiki snapped.

"Let's fucking go before a cat fight starts." I snap.

We all went on one ride together, then Andrew dragged Kiki off to a haunted house, Et and Alex went off to get food. I look around for another ride that was short.

I bump into someone and apologized, he turns around and I was surprised.

"Traevon,' I smile.

"Oh hey Angelina. Didn't know you'd be here." He smiled back.

A woman holding a child came over and told Traevon something, then left.

"That your girlfriend?" I ask hotly.

He laughed, "Try, sister."

My cheeks burned, "Oh."

"You here with anyone?" He asks.

"A group of friends, but they all left to do their own things."

"Well would you like to go on some rides with me?"

"I'd love to."


We just resolved to walking and talking since all the lines were way too long.

"So what did you major in?" I ask.

"I majored in business, but I regret taking those courses." He said.

I nod, "Can't you change it?"

"Yeah if I was still in school."

"Did you drop out?"

"No, I graduated."

I stopped walking, "Wait hold on, how old are you?"

" old are you?" He looked confused.

"I'm 19..."

He sighed, "figures, you look pretty young."

"I look young? Whatever jackass." I growl.

"Woah. Angel I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry, let me buy you a drink."

"I guess."


I sip my drink slowly, Traevon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. I look at him briefly.

"I hope this didn't ruin anything for us in the future." I say quietly.

"What do you mean? We just met." He looked at me.

I look away, "Yah I know...but...I thought maybe we could see where this goes..."

He sighed and took my hand. "I'm six years older than you."

"I'm legal. Let's see where it goes."

He looked in my eyes, and kissed me deeply.

oh yes.

-Eternity's POV-

Alex had left me abruptly, I looked around and found no one.

"I love finding you, it's like a game of hide and seek." Someone said behind me.

I turn, and of course it was John.

"What do you want John?"

"You've been ignoring me." He said.

"I have."

"Why?" He cocked his head to the side. "Seems rude to do."


He brushed me off, "It's funny you blame me, because it could of been any other person in that house that could of did that to you."

He slinked around me, "just answer me this. How would I of been in that room with you, if I was on the dancefloor hitting on Kiki?"

And with that he was gone, I shudder violently, finding Alex, I tried to keep the tears from falling.

-Kiki's POV-

"want to go in the haunted house?" Andrew asks me.

"You know I'm too scared." I frown.

"I'll be right next to you, the entire time. I got you." He took my hand.

I smile and we enter the haunted house, I was scared but at least his warm hand kept me calm.

Then things started popping out of no where and we got jostled around, he was gone.

"ANDREW!" I cried out

I start shaking, feeling light headed, tears blurred my vision as I tried to speed walk out.

"Kiki?" Someone said.

It was too late, I passed out, the only thing I could see was darkness.

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