Your another members sister

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(Luke's sister) 5sos is doing a live interview, and you're watching from offstage, for two reasons. One, Luke is your brother. Second, you're dating Calum. You've had a crush on him for ages, and when he asked you out (fucking finally,) you agreed to not tell anyone until it was serious and not just a "hey you're my best friend's sister let's makeout" kind of thing. When it was serious, you and Cal finally told Luke what was happening. And he wasn't pleased, which is evident by the slightly grumpy look on his face. "So boys, who's in a relationship?" The interviewer asks, drifting away from talking about the album and tours. "Calum is." Luke says, and both you and your boyfriend freeze, Ashton chokes on his gulp of water and Michael snorts in surprise. Your brother continues, "Dating my sister too. For four whole months, without telling me." "Because we were making sure it was the real thing before we told anyone." Calum politely says, hushed. "Much less strangers." He adds pointedly. "Oh..." Luke trails off. Before you can stop yourself, you yell "YOU'RE A PRICK."
(Calum's sister) Even though many years have passed, you still remember meeting your twin brother's friend Michael Clifford. The way he was a little shit, even at the age of 8, and his amazing eyes, and his hair, which was nice but you like the fact he dyes it because "bad boys" are hot. And before you started coming on tour with Calum, Michael used to treat you like one of the guys. Now, he's flirting with you constantly. Winking when Cal's not looking, making eye contact with you during their songs in concerts, and teasing you like implying you're sexy. One day, you can't take it anymore. After a concert where he practically dedicated "SLSP" to you, you pull him off to the side backstage and shove him into the wall. "Wow, Y/N, just because you're hot doesn't mean you can take advantage-" "What is with that? The constantly calling me hot, making eye contact while singing songs, love songs nonetheless, and just being this all-around sweet guy? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He raises an eyebrow, goes to say something but then just takes your cheeks in his palms and kisses you. After you kiss him back for a while, you pull away and freak out, "What about Calum?" "We'll worry about him later." And then he kisses you again.

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