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Guys these are long story's prepare yo self
"Cal, are you sure this dress doesn't look too trashy?" You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a glittery black body-con dress. You thought it was very Christmassy when you first bought it but suddenly thought it was too short to wear to Calum's parents' for Christmas dinner.
"(Y/N), it's fine. You've met my parents loads of times, why are you so nervous?" Calum asked.
"Because Calum! Your grandparents and aunts and uncles and basically your whole family will be there and I don't want them to think you're going out with some slut who's only with you because of the band, okay?" You rambled.
"Awh, babe, they won't think that about you, I promise. My family are really nice. We better leave now or we'll be late," Calum said and got all your gifts and put them in the trunk of your car.
When you got to Calum's family home, you followed him inside, leaving the presents in the hallway to be opened later.
Luckily the first person that you saw when you went in to the living room is Calum's sister so you can chat with her for a couple of minutes.
"(Y/N)! Cal!" Mali-koa said, hugging you both. "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, Mali," Calum smiled. "I'm just going to go say hi to Mum and Dad, (Y/N) you can stay here if you want."
You nodded and Calum went off to find his parents.
"You look beautiful," you complimented Mali.
"Thanks. Your dress is amazing. It looks lovely on you," Mali said sincerely.
"Are you sure? I thought it looked a bit trashy," you questioned. "You know, meeting your grandparents for the first time and all."
"No, no, it's fine. You look gorgeous," Mali reassured.
Calum came up behind you. "(Y/N), Mum's asking for you. She's more excited to see you than her own son," Calum pouted.
"Let's go to her then. Is she in the kitchen?" You asked.
"Yeah, we have to go say hi to my nan afterwards. Mum said she's been waiting all day to meet you," Calum explained taking your hand and guiding you to the kitchen.
"Hi (Y/N)!" Joy said when she saw you. "Oh my, you look beautiful as always."
"Oh so you say she's beautiful but don't even compliment your own son," Calum pouted jokingly.
"Oh hush up, Cal," Joy scolded and you laughed.
"Thank you Joy," you smiled, hugging her. "Whatever your cooking smells amazing."
"Thank you. Now you better go meet Nan, she's been dying to see you both. Merry Christmas (Y/N)," Joy said.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Joy," you smiled and waved as Calum lead you to his nan.
"Merry Christmas, Nan," Calum smiled, hugging her.
"Oh Calum. Look at you, I haven't seen you in ages. How are you? And the boys are they good?" Calum's nan asked.
"We're all great. The band is going amazing," Calum nodded.
"That's lovely to hear. I always watch you on the TV," she smiled.
"Nan, you haven't met my girlfriend, have you?" Calum asked.
"Oh no, I haven't," she smiled. "Hello."
"Hi," you smiled nervously.
"Nan, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend," Calum introduced proudly.
"Well, I must say Cal, you picked a good 'un," Mrs. Hood grinned.
"Oh I know, Nan," Calum winked, making you blush.
"Thank you, Mrs. Hood," you smiled.
"No problem at all, darling. You really are a lovely girl and I hope you and Calum are happy," she said.
"We are, thank you," you said.
"It was lovely meeting you (Y/N), now the two of you go talk with Mali and your cousins. No point hanging 'round with the old folk," she grinned. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas Nan," Calum smiled as you walked away.
You let out a breathe you didn't realise you had been holding. "She really was lovely."
"See, I told you you had nothing to be nervous about. Believe me, Mum has talked you up so much to the family they must think your some sort of angel," Calum laughed.
"Stop Calum, you're making me embarrassed," you whined.
"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Calum said. "My family loves you and half of them haven't even met you yet."
For the rest of the morning, you hung out with Mali and their cousins, who you had met before. Joy had made a big spread for dinner in the afternoon. The dinner was full of laughter and happiness. When you went home, you and Calum watched a couple Christmas movies before you fell asleep in each other's arms.
It was hard for Michael being away on tour the whole time and it was even harder when he was away over Christmas. You had made the decision to go on tour with them for the whole month of December but that meant you had to have your first ever Christmas away from home.
Michael knew you were missing your family at Christmas time so he tried to cheer you up. He put fairy lights and tinsel all around the bus. He wanted to try and have a traditional Christmas dinner with turkey and all that other stuff but the kitchenette on the bus was way to small.
"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)," Michael whispered gently shaking you awake.
You groaned and tried to turn away but hit straight in to Michaels bare chest as the bunk was so tiny for both of you. You slowly opened one eye to see Michael grinning down at you wearing a Santa hat.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the small laugh that escaped your lips. "What are you wearing, you idiot?"
"What? It's Christmas," Michael defended himself.
"Lay down with me," you whined, hooking your arms around Michael's neck and dragging him down to you.
"We need to go open our presents," Michael insisted.
"But Mikey, I'm tired and I just want to cuddle," you said, placing a kiss on the corner of his lips.
Michael stepped out of the bunk and picked you up by the waist and flung you over his shoulder.
"Michael! This is kidnapping! Help!" You shrieked. "But hey I've got nice view of your butt."
Michael carried you to the back lounge of the bus, ignoring your shrieks.
"Merry Christmas!" All the boys shouted at once. They had set up a little Christmas tree and had presents all around it. They all had Christmas crackers and Christmas hats.
"We knew you were missing Christmas at home, so we brought Christmas here!" Michael explained. "I know it's not the same without your family and all but it's better than nothing."
"Thank you so much. I honestly love it so much," you said, your eyes brimming with tears. You went around and hugged each boy in turn. giving Michael an extra tight squeeze because somehow you felt this was his idea.
"We made pancakes for breakfast," Luke said, pointing to 5 plates piled high with pancakes.
"They look delicious," you complimented, grabbing a plate and digging in. "Mhm, these are good. How did you make them?" You asked through a mouth stuffed with pancake.
"Well actually we tried to make them but that failed so I went out to get some," Calum explained.
"Thought so," you laughed.
When you had all finished eating, Michael decided it was time to open presents. "Okay, I'll just go get your presents," you said, standing up.
Michael shook his head. "Got them," he pointed towards the pile.
"But how did you find them?" You said in confusion.
"You aren't the best at hiding things, (Y/N)," Michael laughed.
You all exchanged gifts. Yours consisted of movies, CDs, shoes, clothes, gift vouchers and a new iPhone from Michael.
"Michael!" You gasped. "This is way too expensive."
"It's fine, (Y/N), I wanted to buy it for you. Besides you badly needed one," Michael said.
"I was going to buy one in the sales," you pouted.
For the rest of the night you all chilled out watching movies and eating chocolates.
"Thank you for today, Michael," you whispered.
"It's okay, honey. I love you," he said, kissing your temple.
"I love you too."

Let's pretend it's not 3 days after Christmas and Michael's isn't shitty.

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