You Study For Your Finals

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"Y/N." Calum whined, dragging out the vocals of your name. You looked up lost by his sudden exclaim, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows before your attention went back to your papers. "See, rejected, once again!" He had tried everything, tracing his lips up your neck just like he knew you liked it, played with your hair and caressed your back. Nothing seemed to work! You were so caught up in your biology that you barely registered your boyfriend beside you on the couch. "Come on Y/N. I have an idea." He traced his lips back to your cheeks. "What?" You asked unamused and glared at him shortly. This needed to be done as fast as possible but also done well so you wouldn't fail. "We can study together. You know.... Human biology." He traced his finger down your bare arm while smirking, his eyes shining when you removed yourself from the couch to stand up. "Fine. Get up and take off your clothes." You grinned and grabbed a pencil from your pencil case. Calum rose from the couch instantly and with a huge grin took of his clothes until he was left in his boxers. You walked around him in circles, smiling at him seducely and touched his shoulder blades lightly. "Let's see." You started out and stopped when you were right in front of him. "Biceps, triceps," You traced the pencil over his arm, running it over his collarbone and down. "Chest, heart, lunges." A giggle escaped Calum's lips by your pencil, goosebumps forming on his arms and making the hair rise. "It tickles." He commented and looked down at you with a smile, feeling happy about the fact that you were finally giving him some decent attention. You smiled by his words and nodded your head agreeing, doing extra to doddle around his skin when you came down to his abs. "Inside we have the large intestine, the small intestine and appendix." You kneeled down to get on level with his navel, giggling again when his body reacted to the small touch by your pencil. "The hips are pretty clear. A small vision of a V line down here." You moved it down and traced patterns, smiling when Calum almost whimpered by your touch. You placed your hand on his hip to keep him still, moving your lips to down below his navel and lingering your lips over the tender skin. "And at last... We have your pelvis." You traced over his skin for the last time before standing up with a laugh, seeing Calum's eyes shocked and almost amazed by your teasing. "Are you kidding me?" He exclaimed. "I've been waiting all day for this and now you stop before you even go fully down?" "Sorry." You grinned and sat back on the couch with your laptop on your lap. "I only have to examine the body from hips to face. I don't need to analyze the lower parts." Calum's jaw fell by your words before he slumped back on the couch, a satisfied smile coming to your lips by your teasing.
"Okay Y/N, are you ready for this play of flashcard chemistry?! Michael folded his hands around his mouth to create a hollering voice, his eyes showing excitement and his voice changing to create more dramatic. You simply rolled your eyes by his request and moved your hand up to prevent the sun from streaming into your eyes, still squeezing them to get a better look at them. "You honestly don't have any choice because you were the one deciding that I was supposed to do this and since I don't have any studio recordings today all I can do is assist and bore you with these flashcards!" He remained the talk show host, giggling loudly by your face expression. You almost regretted allowing him to help study for your chemistry exam tomorrow. "And the category is..." He paused to create suspense, "The periodic table!" You placed your chin on top of your palm and looked up at him with challenging eyes, "And the first question is... Which three groups of the Periodic Table contain the most elements classified as metalloids?" You looked at him with wide eyes, trying to find a solution to his question while he made background noises. "14, 15, and 16?" You said unsure in question but when Michael squealed in excitement and threw fake confetti in the air you knew it was definitely correct. "God I wish this was like the exam." You giggled and looked at him excited for the next question. "When a metal atom combines with a nonmetal atom, the nonmetal atom will...?" He stopped for you to answer and you furrowed your eyebrows confused, how did he even manage to find questions like these? "Lose electrons and increase in size?" Michael scrunched his nose by your words and made a holler of boh's. "That incorrect, Y/N! The answer is gain electrons and increase in size." You rolled your eyes by the wrong answer and banged your hands against the soft grass, "Okay last question before we go to another topic. "According to Reference Table S, which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius?" "Calcium!" You yelled at him almost aggressively, feeling the pressure of this test hitting you. Michael frowned again his mouth opening wide in surprise, "That is wrong as well Y/N! The answer was nickel and now you will fail your exam!" He beamed, continuing with his talk show voice and forgetting what he literally just said. Your eyes widened by his statement and he threw the cards down to the grass and kneeled down. "I swear I was kidding Y/N! I was too into the game, no more flashcards for an hour!" He exclaimed and wrapped his arms around your neck, burying you into his chest. "It's okay." You laughed and moved away to look at him. "Where did you even find those questions? I've never seen you touch a chemistry book?" "Google is the answer to everything darling. At least you're getting a real education unlike your boyfriend." He giggled and removed a piece of hair away from your forehead.

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