Sleeping Positions

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There was no doubt, Calum was more of an independent person. He wasn't much for showing PDA in public, but neither was the huge cuddler at home. Of course, when it came to napping he was practically a monkey, holding you as close as he possibly could. But when it came to sleeping at night, he couldn't stand lying on the same position for long yet along having you rest on top of him for hours. It was okay with the small nap because it didn't take that long to start every sweat gland in his body. But of course he still needed you somehow close, making sure that you were always beside him even though you weren't sleeping arm in arm. He preferred to rest on his back and since you didn't mind how you guys slept he was the one deciding. And if there was one thing Calum would always be a sucker for, it would be holding hands with you – even in his sleep. Having someone close to him didn't mean so psychically that you could barely move yourself from his body, but just by the simple touch from one other. Having you both resting on your backs he would allow you to rest your chin or head on top of his shoulder while your arm would rest under his. Your hands would be linked, not necessary have your fingers intertwined but the simple touch was enough. It allowed you both to sleep without having to sweat, turn off the heater in the house or open the windows but still being somehow linked. Sometimes when Calum couldn't sleep he used the position to run his fingers up and down your arm and your head was perfectly fit for his lips, allowing him to peck your forehead ever so often when he wanted. And without having you to press your ass against him he could see your beautiful face while you were sleeping, observing whether you were having nightmares or simply just sleeping. And sometimes you guys could be closer to each other in the morning or resting with both your back against each other. The possibilities were there and you guys didn't mind because there were always morning cuddles in the end when one of you would wake up. It always ended up being Calum who would pepper your forehead with kisses until you would flutter your eyes open.
Michael was, and always would be a sucker of having you as close to him as possible. He mentioned it everywhere, in the kitchen, to the boys and even interviews! There was no doubt, he was the biggest spooner you would ever meet, and you couldn't even argue with him to switch places. As he would quote, the only time he would be the little spoon would be if he was crying and needed your comfort. It was driving him nuts when he wasn't having you close to his chest, his heartbeat pacing harshly against yours whether he was having a sweet dream or a nightmare. People always claimed spooning was the sleeping death of men, but Michael disagreed. He knew just exactly how the two of you should be positioned so he could whole you close for a whole night without having a dead arm and hair in the face. He would easily sneak his arm around your waist and pull you close to your body. Making sure that his arm was resting in the crock of your neck and your head resting on top of a pillow he avoided getting it killed by heavy weight. And tucking your hair behind your ear and making sure you would be resting on top of it allowed him free access to both kiss your neck and make sure he wouldn't be spitting out strands of your hair during the night. It meant he had comfort to himself with your bodies initiated and you would feel cozy and warm in his embrace. It also allowed you to be somehow free, having your duvet in between your legs and not the source of heat right in your face, but up against your back instead. And even if Michael always stated that he didn't want to sleep like this overnight, complain about the fact that you stuck your butt towards him, regardless he always somehow found your waist and pulled you close overnight. Besides, it allowed him to press his morning boner up your spine with a playing smirk on his face and pretending to be asleep when you would turn around and look at him with curious eyes. It was a position that was both teasing, intimate and so cozy sleeping at night was Michael's favourite time of the day because it meant he could hold you as close to his heart as possible.

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