You Play Pokémon Go

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"You're not gonna get it!" You giggled into the microphone while running around confused between chairs, trying to focus between where you were going and the screen in front of you. "I'm faster, I have longer legs, and I have only 2 footsteps now!" He yelled back in argue with a huge smile on his face, jumping between chairs to get towards one of the top rows in the arena. A challenging smile appeared on your face and you decided to run towards his direction as well from the other side of the chairs you were standing at. "I found it!" He yelled seconds later in achievement and froze in track, pointing his phone towards the box where John was always sitting with his sound equipment. "Hell no you're not getting my Jigglypuff I was the one spotting it at first!" You yelled and with almost too much force crashed into Calum. His eyes widened in shock by the sudden movement, trying to stabilize himself but he was having a hard time with you keeping on pushing him to point your phone towards the Jigglypuff. "Hell to the fucking no." He grumbled back and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you away from the Jigglypuff with laughs escaping his lips teasingly. Though a sigh escaped his lips when you cheered loudly in excitement, shoving your phone in front of his face to show that you had caught it. "Finders keepers, honey. Try next time."
"Michael I'm not sure this is a great idea." You commented unsure while trying to catch up with his fast feet, your arm being dragged longer and longer the further Michael decided to pick up his pace. "It's a fucking brilliant idea, Y/N!" He stated back in reply while scanning his phone, the light from it making his face clear pale. He was barely looking up from his phone apart from when you would pass yet another grave on the cemetery, the moon shining bright from the midnight sky being your only actual source of light. It all had been a coincident that you walked past a cemetery on your Pokémon hunt. But the second Michael realized that a Gengar was literally meters away from you he started to run, fast. "Oh my god yes, Y/N, I almost have it!" He screeched loudly, his eyes widening and almost looking wild as he threw the Pokeball towards the ghost. You tried to silent him by shushing but he barely registered anything. "No fuck, it escaped!" He yelled even louder now frustrated. You stared at him with wide eyes while he kept on swearing loudly, a huge smile in achievement embracing his face when it finally was caught. "Yes, I swear this is the most awesome thing ever!" "Michael you have to be quiet dead people are buried around us!" You hissed and grabbed onto his arm. His eyes seemed to realize where the hell you actually were, too caught up from before to see it. "Fuck that's true. Let's leave now this place is fucking creepy."

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