Relationship Tag

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"What was your first impression of each other?" You read off your phone, squirming a bit in your boyfriend's lap because you can, knowing it drives him crazy. Calum rests his head on your shoulder, "So... what'd you think of me, babe?" "I thought you were a really cute, hot, funny musician." You shrug, "What about me?" "Honestly?" "Honestly." His cheeks tinge pink a bit as he says, "I thought you were really fucking fit." "How romantic." You roll your eyes. "No wait, but when we became friends I thought you were really cute and funny and adorable." He nuzzles you like he always does when he wants to get back in your good graces (because it always works.) "What about when we started dating?" You want to clarify. "I went back to the whole 'fit' thing again." He bites teasingly at your neck.
"What can the other spend hours doing?" Michael asks, reading from the tweets that people sent in that people wanted to know about your relationship. The two of you are doing a twitcam that eventually just became a Boyfriend Tag. Whoops. "Video games. Eating. Listening to music. Playing guitar. Watching Netflix. More video games-" You tick off on your fingers. Your boyfriend gasps, playfully affronted. "Excuse me, Y/N, I do other things." He tries to defend himself. "Like what?" You challenge him. "Writing songs." He says firstly. "I'll give you that." "Drinking." "You drink like a fish." You agree, giggling as he shoves you away from him. "Don't judge me. And..." He trails off, tongue poking out. "Ha ha! You can't think of one-" You start to gloat when he suddenly shouts "SEX!" You pause then nod, "I'll give you that one." "Looks like the many hours are about to start, bye guys love you!" He rushes out, closing the twitcam as he leans in to kiss you.

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