The boys tease him about you

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C A L U M:
"I want to go back home! I'm not having fun here!" Cal yelled as he rolled around in the grass. "We need some band bonding!" Ashton yelled back. "You just want to see (Y/N)" Michael yelled. "What?!?" Cal asked surprised. "We all know about your little secret crush." Luke said smiling. "I don't like (Y/N)! I just think that we have a lot of things in common, that's why I asked her out for coffee yesterday." Calum said, explaining his prior actions. "Yeah, and that's why you always blush like a little school girl when her name is mentioned." Michael said with a cheeky smile. "I do not blush!" Calum said. "Oh, Calum. Your phone is ringing. It's (Y/N)!" Ashton yelled holding up Cal's phone. "What?! Give it to me!" he said getting up as quickly as he could. "I was just kidding but now we know that you actually do like her." Ashton said smiling.
M I C H A E L:
"Hey, Cal, you can take my turn if you want to." Michael said leaving his controller on the table and quickly standing up, grabbing his phone from the table. "Michael leaving his controller? What kind of thing has possessed you?!" Ashton screamed laughing. "No, I'm, um, tired. I'll just head back to my room." Mike said fake yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." The boys replied as Michael left the room. "Don't you guys think it's weird? Michael just leaving in the middle of a great game?" Calum asked as he grabbed Michael's controller. "Boys, we have some investigating to do." Luke said standing up. They all headed over to Michael's bedroom and pressed their ears to the door. "Yeah, I missed you too today. I'm sad that this is the only time that we have to talk." They heard Michael say. "I really miss you, when are you coming back?" Michael asked. Ashton clumsily leaned over the door handle and sent them all flying into the room. Seeing a surprised Michael with his computer. Luke leaned over and saw that he was indeed talking to a girl. "Michael was talking to a girl!" Luke fake gasped. "Well introduce us!" Calum said sitting next to Michael. "(Y/N), this is Calum, Luke and Ashton." Michael said pointing to each one of them, red tainting his cheeks. "Awww look at our little Mikey blushing!" Ash pointed out. "So, when are we meeting in person? We want to meet our baby Mikey's girlfriend!" Luke said pinching Michael's cheeks.

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