Ch.1: Ohhhhh Boi....

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"JOHN JOHN! I'M MAKING A VIDEO WANNA BE IN IT?" I yell as I glance at the camera and smile. I soon hear the steps of my big brothers face. I say big brother because he is approximately five minutes earlier than me....that's right....we're twins....and he is my slave.

"Ello!" John John said as he plopped onto the chair he had pulled next to me. I laughed as he made a face at the camera and then turned to me. "What are we doing today, Corbet?" He asked with absolute enthusiasm.

"Well my sexy face, and your ugly face are going to impersonate different Youtubers, then we have to guess who the other is impersonating. Got it?" He nodded and we took a few minutes to write down on papers.

"Hey John," he looked around as I looked over his shoulder.

"NO GET AWAY YOU LITTLE ARSE!" He yelled as he shoved me onto the floor, I let out my very unique cackle as I got back into my chair.

"Okay you ready?" I question before looking at him, "John John?"

"YEAHHHHH!" He yelled.


"Language missy!"

"Shut your mouth."



*Two Hours Later*

"Okay so don't forget to leave a like and a comment down dere! And go check out my bro on his channel and what is your name?" I let out a laugh as I look at my brother who is acting insulted.

"It's JohnJohn."

"That's all easy peasy lemon squeezy! so go check him out and subscribe to him if you'd like." I say pointing to his face and shoving him.


We both exchanged a glance as I stopped the camera and started to hook it to the computer.

"So your taking a gap year?" He asked as he looked at me with a smirk. "Following in the ol' brothers footsteps, eh?"

"Where the same age John, same hair, eyes, FACE! Of course I wouldn't want to go to Uni alone with out my beloved twin." I say as I pull up my iMovie editing thing on my Mac. He laughed before exiting the room.

I pick up my phone, procrastinating as to whether I should edit or not, going to Twitter. I scrolled through my Twitter seeing the normal hate, ad loving fans who just adore my face...or my brothers face. I came across a funny one by a girl names @1Disminestayaway(XD random name y'all!). It read:

"But seriously why does @CorbetsCamera not have other Youtube frenz besides her bro.?"

I laughed and favorited then replied with:

"I seriously don't know ask the others!" 

I turned off my twitter before having it blow up with notifications from different peeps of mine and her reply. Which read:


The she tweeted(i followed her):

"So why aren't you guys friends with @CorbetsCamera? @ConnorFranta @RickyPDillion @SamProtterff @jccaylen @KianLawley @TrevorMoran"

Why did she do all the O2L boys, i mean i ain't judging they is hout (hot). But seriously there are others.... 

I didn't even expect a reply so i put my phone to the side and got ready to edit my video. I spent almost half the night editing, and then a tweetie bird which meant I had received a tweet...Or a couple.....

Let's just say....some Youtubers replied to a certain tweet....

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