Ch.9: Watch What Happens

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I ended by putting my fist up in the air and facing the seats. I had just spent about four or five minutes dancing and singing my heart out in front of the Newsies cast, directors, choreographers, and the orchestra who had gladly played the song for me. I breathed in before turning the the cast behind me. I took a bow before I stepped up and looked who I now remembered was Tommy. He played Spot.

Everyone just kinda stood there watching my every move.

"No one is saying anything so I guess you also want to see my acting skills. Okay...Corey, 'Something To Believe In' and then maybe 'That's Rich'." I say as the orchestra began playing the beginning to 'Something To Believe In'. I stood a little away from Corey and got into character, I looked ahead of myself before I began to sing.

"Till the moment I found you," I looked over a Corey who had his hands in his pockets already into his character," I thought I knew what love was."

"Now I'm learning what is true...that loved will do what it does," I walked to Corey and slowly took his hands,"The world finds ways to sting you, but then one day decided to bring you something to believe in for even a night may be forever but that's alright, that's alright. And if your gone tomorrow what was ours still will be." I looked up into Corey's eye before looking down at our hands.

"I have something to believe in now that I know you believe in me." I pulled away from his grasp, turning away and walking a little ways away from him.

I felt a hand tug on my left hand and I turned to see Corey with a smirk on his face, "We was never meant to meet, and then we meet; who knows why?" I let out a giggle before he let go of my hand and walked backwards, still looking at me.

"One more stranger on the street, just someone sweet passin' by. An angel come to save me, who didn't even know she gave me somethin' to believe in... For even a day, one day may be forever but that's okay, that's okay. And if I'm gone tomorrow what was our still will be." He had slowly but surely kept back to me and was taking both of my hands into his. He gave me that look that said, I'm gonna kiss you and I nodded.

"I have somethin' to believe in now that I you believe in me," he looked into my eyes and I did the same to him before we began singing together,"Do you know what I believe in? Look into my eyes and see!" He pulled me towards him and our lips connected, it was only a stage kiss and he is married so I thought nothing of it. He pulled away slowly and looked at me before putting a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"If things where different."

"If you weren't going to Santa Fe." I pulled away from his grasp and looked away crossing my arms.

"And you weren't an heiress,"I chuckled as he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked over at me,"and your father wasn't after my head." I laughed as I walked towards him.

"Your not really scared of my father." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"No, but I'm pretty scared of you..." He turned to face me with a small smile. I did the same before taking his hands.

"Don't be."I looked down at our hands and then back at his hazel eyes.

"And if I'm gone tomorrow."

"What was ours still will be!"

"I have something to believe in, now that I know you believed in me." We sang together, our voices blending and melting together. I liked acting alongside Corey and Ben we all feed off each other in a different way.

"I have something to believe in...Now that I know you believe in me!" We held the note and then grasped each other in a hug. I patted his back and we smiled each other before I looked at the crowd.

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