Ch.23: The Show Will Go On.

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 "I know, I know. I don't want to leave but my husband and I think it's for the best." Kara says as I cry into her shoulder. She was leaving, after almost four years of being in Newsies, and it broke my heart. I had been a Fansies since the beginning, since PaperMill. She was and she still is one of my role models.

I pull away from her and wipe my tears away. She smiled and we laughed to each other before going in for another hug.

"Okay, it's time for me to go. Thank for the dinner guys, you all did a great show tonight! We'll catch up another time." She said as she walked out the door of the restraunt we had went to after the show. We waved to her and then watched her leave. 


"So are you going to audition for the Katharine role?" Liana asked me as we walked out of the Starbucks, I thought about this for a minute and then shook my head.

"Nah, I think you should though. I was actually thinking of trying out for the role of Hannah and Smalls." I say with a smile. She ave me a confused look and I laughed.

"I want to ease my way into Broadway. I mean sure it would be awesome to have my Broadway debut be as a lead role but to be honest I don't think I'm ready yet. I haven't faught enough for it." I explain as we walk down the sidewalk, the fridged air pressing against us. I hug my jacket closer to me and my hands wrap around the warm coffee cup.

"Yeah I understand but why not just go full force and take a huge step onto the stage and jsut embrace it?" She questions.

"I just don't think i ahve matured as a person yet. I haven't even done college yet." I say as I remeber the fight I had had with my parents over the phone last night. They thought it was wrong for me to just move to a different city without a degree in anything. Even though I had explained to them that I ws totally fine, and I was giving voice and acting lessons to get by. I am a travelling spirit and I had to leave home to feel the void in my life.

"I can see that now, so where do you plan on going?" 

"I was thinking NYU." She nodded and we walked into the Nederlander. We parted ways and I walked towards the dressing room that Luke was in with another group of thirteen boys.

"I have tea for Luke!" I say as I enter the room. Luke's head pops up and he runs towards me, doging the many boys who where putting make-up on. 

"Thank you." He said placing a kiss on my cheek, I smiled and nodded before sitting in the chair that Luke had offered me.  A call then startled me from my thinking.

"Hey, it's Kara!" I hear the familiar voice exclaim from the phone. I smile as I exit the noisey dressing room and go into the hallway.

"Hey! What's up?" We had small talk before she exclaimed that she had some very important news for me.

"I have you an audition on March the 6th! It is for the revival of Little House On The Prairie The Musical! As you know I played Laura way back when, and they asked me to come back and play the part but I told them i knew someone just for the part and they told me that I could jsut send you for the audition! So you pick out a song and be ready to cold read and show up at PaperMill on the date I told you!" She told me in what seemed like one breath. I thought of this for a minute and knew that it was just what I was waiting for, something to fight for.

"Thank you Kara! I'll be there, definitely. What song do you recommend?" I heard nothing on the line for a few minutes, then she finally spoke after what felt like eternity.

"Something that shows you. Soemthing that just screams Corbet!" She exclaimed, I chuckle and nodded my head even though she can't see me.

"Okay, I have to go. The boys have a show." I say through my chuckle. 

"Okay, I have to say that I have to go too. Goodbye Corbet!" 

"Goodbye Kara, see you soon!" And with that I hung up.

This was it, i could feel it in my bones. Something was coming and it was going to be great.


New chapter will be here in an hour or two, this story is coming to an end but the sequel will be amazing! I promise!

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