Ch.19: Revolting Child...Or Guy

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I walked into the theatre and bouced happily with Abby. I felt so free, my hair was shorter and i finally had my natural brown hair back. I took out the hair band l that held the layers of brown, silky hair back from my face. My hand ran through it swiftly, and tugged on the end. It was shorter than it had ever been in my life; my hair had never went above the edge of my jeans and now it was to about the small of my back. I still wanted to keep it long but not to long.

"Someone's happy." Abby says as we walk towards back stage. I was very overly happy about this change in my life. Maybe some more changes would come along with this cahnge, I could only hope.

 "Just happy for the change, ya know?" I asked while I held a book to my chest, it was actually 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare. I have taken a liking to this particular work of his and was studying the master piece.

I kept walking, hugging my big, fluffy, gray jacket to myself as we walked downt he halls of the theatre. And I finally found the door I was looking goes nothing.


The door swung openrevealing Tommy Bracco, the sassy boy from Brooklyn. He pulled my body towards his and hugged me closely, and soon I felt many other humanly figures come into the hug; I was in a grup hug.

And let me tell you from past and present experience...It isn't fun being in the middle of a group of sweaty boys who ahd just gotten done with a show.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. I love each and everyone of you but you all stick like a pack of wet dogs." I say as I squat down and crawl my way out of the circle. The group laughs but become quiet. I followed their gaze to my left wrist, showing the stitches over my cut. It had dried blood on the edges, but jsut barely enough to notice..If you were looking for it. 

"How bad was it?" Jacob, one of the twins, asked as he scratched his elbow; looking at his feet.

"Um, very deep, lost about a pint or two of blood. Enough for me to almost pass out, but I didn't...Cause of Luke, who is to thank for my life. I could be dead right now if it wasn't for him." I mumble on as I look around the dressing room that hadn't changed a bit.

The boys nodded and I cautiously pulled the sleeve of my jacket down and the boys slowly went back to what they had been doing. Andy walked up to me with a sad smile on his face and looked me over as I averted is eyes.

"If you ever need someone to vent to, you can come to me. People say I'm a very good listener." I smile and nod before hugging him tightly.

"Thanks." I say quietly in his ear, he gives me one last squeeze and then releases me so I can leave. I was leaving because many of them were begining to take off their pants...Yeah no I was leaving.

"See you guys later!" I call to the, they gave me a yell of mumbled responses and I smile while closing the door.

"What do you want to do now?" Abby asked me? I looked at my purse and saw two tickets to Matilda and waved them at her questioningly. She shrugged and we began to walk out of the theatre and onto the streets towards the theatre that Matilda was being showed at. My "worn" out combat boots clanked on the concrete and Abby's dress Doc Martins did the same. 

 I was wearing jeans with my Newsies baseball shirt that says 'Seize The Day', along with my gray jacket over it to protect me from the cold winds of New York. Abby wore a dress with tights and her Doc Matins along with a heavy cardigin on her arms. My hair was done flying in the wind while hers was up in a messy ponytail. 

"Oh Abby, what if you meet the love of your life right now right this second, or in the next few hours?" I question, jokingly. She scuffed at me and sent a side glance my way as I gave the man my tickets.

"Pfft, yeah right." She scuffs, walking ahead of me, into the theatre. While she did so the made a wrong way towards the bar.

"Wrong way." I called and she sends me a thumbs up before following me into the theatre. I chuckle at her while we walk down the seat and into the center of the orchestra section.

 "Who got you these tickets? How do we have such good seats?" Abby ask as someone poked her shoulder and she turned.

 "That woul be because of me." I looked up at Ryan and smiled. It was Ryan Steele a past member of the Newsies cast, who had worked with a member of the Matilda cast. he scored us these seats cause he is an awesome friend.

 "Hey! Thanks for scoring us these amazing seats!" I say happily as we take our seats as the lights flicker. I switch off my phone and listened to the orchestra play as the lights dimmed; this show was going to be amazing.

*Later With Ryan*

"How did you guys like the show?" Ryan asked as we began to leave the theatre after the crowd had bustled out.

"I think I found my new favorite musical!" Abby exclaimed happily as we walked into the lobby. Ryan smiled and nodded as an attractive guy walked towards us.

"Hey Ryan, what's up?" The guy asked before hugging Ryan. Ryan hugged back, noticing who teh guy was. Abby and I looked at each other and then towards the two. I remember seeing him as one of the revolting children. I quickly flipped through my script and saw his picture next to a paragraph about him. I read through it and then look quickly up at him as my name is called.

"Corbet right?" He asked with a questioning look on his face, his finger pointer finger was turned slightly towards me. I nodded and scanned the boy in front of me and he did the same towards me; I smile when I met his eyes.

"Yeah, nice to meet you...Clay?" I say while reaching my hand out for him to shake. He did so and nodded and gave me another bright smile.

"And who is this?" He asked before nodding towards Abby, I gently moved Abby forward for her to intorduce herself.

"I'" She tucks a piece of hair behind her hair and puts out her hand for him to shake. He leaned towards her and clsped his hand in hers and something clicked. But it wasn't the romantic kind, it was the friend one. 

"We need to hang out some time." Clay said before we exchanged numberss and planned another date to meet up.

"Okay, well by Ryan and...Revolting child." I said with a wink towards him. He laughed and said goodbye along with Ryan.

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