Ch.13: That Perfect Girl Is Gone

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 *Blacked Out*

I could feel it.

That feeling.

The one I got a long time ago on a hot summer day, while teaching in a dance studio. I had it the whole show, and thankfully I didn't faint on stage.

It was after the whole show was over. That cursed corset was to tight(and I hadn't eaten all day). Adam and I walked off stage and where heading to our dressing rooms, Ben was behind me talking to Luke and then I stopped. Adam looked over at me concerned but i just told him that everything was okay, and that's when everything went black.

But this time wasn't like the other time, this time I was in and out of conscienceless. One time I woke up and I saw someone taking the costume off my body quickly; another time I woke up and I was in a place with white walls and bright lights. This never really happened if I blacked out, it was always just black.

And then I woke up and that is now.


I coughed slightly before rolling over, only to face a sleeping Adam. He looked peaceful so I didn't wake him. But someone else did.

"Oh my god...She's awake!" Ben called from the doorway, causing Adam to jump and sleepily look over at me. He smiled and went back to sleeping until he popped up and looked at me wide eyes.

"Go get the doctor!" He called, taking my hand. Ben rushed out of the room and when he did I noticed how weak I actually was. My energy was drained. I felt numb. I slowly brought myself against the pillows, with Adam's help, and laid back against them.

"Ah, hello Ms.Palace. How are you feeling?" Yes my last name is Palace, deal with it, I'm a freaking princess.

"Very weak." I say as I hold my hands. The doctor writes on his clip board and nods.

"Yes, seeing as your body has been feeding off of your back up nutrition and you hadn't eaten anything in a space of 2-8 days, it isn't surprising. We put you on some medications and vitamins for you to take every day...with a meal." He looked at me sternly, before writing on a slip and giving it to Adam.

"Here is her prescription, keep a good watch on her. Other than that I believe you can leave as soon as the nurse comes and unhooks you." He nods before leaving and i huff. A lady comes in who looks about middle age and is on the bigger side...And by bigger I mean BIGGER. She came in with a large smile and unhooked me from the beeping machines; I just rolled my eyes and sat up once she was done. Abby then came in with a bag of clothes and smiled at me. I opened my arms for her and she came running; actually she was crying, why was she crying?

“What’s wrong?” I asked weakly. She shook her head.

“Don’t ever do that again.” She choked out, I nodded and held my best friend close.

“I swear…I won’t.” I say as I feel my own tears fall, she pulled away and wiped her eyes; being cautious of the mascara on her eyelashes. I laughed as she chuckled at herself, then handed me the bag.

“I put some jeans and one of Adam’s button ups he put in the bag. I also slipped your combat boots and some socks in there. Oh and a brush with some bobby pins and a pony tail and-“ I stopped  her with a hug and thanked her, she nodded and I walked to the bathroom. I quickly changed and brushed my long dark hair that was really needing to be changed. I didn’t like the ombre. I wanted a fresh start, a new look from the old life.

The old me.

I stepped out of the bathroom and looked over at the spot where Abby had been right before. She was gone and out my door now, where I’m supposing Ben, Adam, Luke, and herself would be standing. I hesitated at the door before slowly opening the door and looking at the four people in front of me. I stepped into the hall and their heads all slowly met my eyes.

“Hey.” I say holding my elbows. I looked away from them, because suddenly the floor to my left became very interesting.


“Tell us why.” Adam asked from the group of four boys that sat in front of me. We were at Ben’s house in his music room; Corey, Adam, and Luke all came over and right now they wanted answers. Of course Luke and Corey knew, and they wouldn’t even look at me. I sighed because I didn’t want Adam or Ben to hate me. Or think I was weak.

“I wanted to look like all the other girls that where in my theatre back home. So I just stop and it kinda turned into a habit.” I whimper as the two others in the group look at me worriedly.

“Just don't do that again, I don't think any of us could live with ourselves knowing something happened because we didn't watch you close enough." Corey said as he stood up from his chair. I scowled at him, I don't need to be baby'd.

"I am a twenty year old, i can take care of my self!" I say loudly, he smiled lightly and walked over to me before kissing my forehead.

"I know, but apparently you need to be watched or something like this could happen again and we don't want that." He said while grabbing his jacket and leaving.

"Okay whatever." I say before he smirked at me and left.

"We want you to be healthy." Adam said once he had come over and wrapped in in his arms.

"I know, but I just wanted to be someone that everyone would want." I say, nuzzling my into his chest.

"I know." He said, kissing my head. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, I nodded and he kissed me before leaving.

"You promised me." Luke said as he walked up and grabbed me into his arms. I let some tears fall off my cheeks and he quickly wipes them away.

"Don't cry, we are going to get you through this." He say as he leans up to kiss my forehead, and grabs his jacket to leave. Once Luke left it was just Ben and I.

"You could've told me." He said blankly at the wall. I shook my head and looked at the floor.

"I didn't want to seem weak." I say as I go to walk to my room, I turned to face him and his eyes could see right through me.

"i wouldn't think you where weak, if anything I would think you were the strongest girl I had ever met." He claimed, I looked into his brown orbs but then took my arms from his grasp.

"Well then thanks, but I'm not strong." I say as i start walking to my room. 

"That perfect girl was gone long ago." 

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