Ch.22: Of Course...

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Luke and I waited in the airport after Abby left. We stood together, talking about random things like shows or what we where going to do after the show tonight. We had offered the group of friends to stay with us. Lucy and Baylee are with me in my room; Luke has Jackson and Michael. We put Ben in the living room and then Micaela and Hannah(M) are in Abby's room. Chanley is also in the living room along with Sierra...Hannah(MN) was not able to make it because she is still doing college at Carrnige Mellon in Penn.

We also had Jacob and Aslinn flying in later this week, along with Victoria(A/N; You have been put in early); they are helping with a show in Minnesota so they could only come after they finished the performances this week. And I believe that is all who is coming up. I wonder how our small three bedroom, two bathroom apartment will hold nine more people.

"How are we going to fit everyone in?" I ask, turning towards Luke.

"Your going to have to try!" Lucy said as she ran up to us. I screamed and laughed before hugging her. We pulled away and I looked behind her. Micaela was walking beside Hannah tugging at her luggage case; Hannah waved towards us with a smile before turning to help Micaela who ahd just dropped her luggage. Baylee and Michael had their hands clasped together and Baylee squealed before letting go of Michael's had and running towards me Michael, Ben, and Jackson walked to Luke and hugged him before coming to me. We all hugged and then we started makign our way to the streets; we where going to meet Chanley and Sierra at the Brooklyn bridge later.


***The Apartment***


"So, this is the Corbet manor?" Hannah asked as she placed her bag in Abby's room with Micaela. I laughed and nodded.

"How's life been?" I ask the two.

"Just as it's always been. Nothing new really." Hannah said, Micaela nodded and sent me a funny face. I chuckled and left to see how Lucy and Baylee where doing in my room.

"Where am I sleeping?" Baylee asked, because as soon as Lucy came in through the door she ran towards my room(or what she thought was so) and screamed, "I CALL SLEEPING WITH CORBET!"

"You will sleep on a blow up mattress I have in the closet!" I say and she nods before continuing her unpacking. I jog towards Luke's room and pop my head in after knocking.

"Hey, you can come in!" Michael says while rushing towards the door. I take a step into the room, watching the three boys rush around the room.

"So do you guys need help." As I said the words, Luke looked up at me with thankful eyes.

"Please." Was all he pleaded. I giggled and went to the closet he had and made space in it for Michaels clothes. Then I went to the draws and folded everything neatly, allowing space for Jacksons clothes.

"Thanks." Luke said as we both walked out into the hallway. Michaeal and Jackson walked towards the kitchen and I went to rush after them. "Wait can we talk about something." Luke said taking a hold of my small wrist. I turned towards him and was met with his chocolate, brown eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked in small voice, having him so close gave me a weird feeling. Surda like that feeling I had when he taught me how to do a waltz when we where back home.

"I-I...Just...Um." I smiled at his loose for words and he looked away from my eyes.

"Luke, you know you can tell me anything." I say as I cupped his cheek. His eyes came to reach mine and they smiled at me.

"What if, I told you that I had feelings for you?" He said as he took my hand in his. I was a tad bit shocked by his words. Luke had always looked at my like a little sister, and I had always seen him as a big brother; and yet there were also those thoughts in the back of my mind that screamed at me saying that I had felt something more than a brother-sister relationship.

"I would have to say that I see you the same way." I say quietly, looking up at the eyes that lite up at my words. His smile brightened and his arms wrapped around my body. I laughed and he kissed the side of my head.

"Corbet. Would you do me the honour of being my signifigant other?" He asked as he held our hands together in front of his lips before kissing my hand. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Of course."


I understand it is short but I have been super busy with practices for a musical I am in! I promise that the next chapter will be a larger chapter! Bye my lovelies!

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