Ch.11: Lovey Dovey

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"I must say, this show is like nothing we did at Strauss!" Luke exclaimed as we stood up to leave. We had stayed till the very last person left.

"Well, it is Broadway...But Strauss will always hold a special place in our hearts." I say patting his chest. We make our way backstage again and I go to Ben and Corey's dressing room so i can grab my stuff.

"Abby, Luke, and I are going to go eat, do you guys want to come?" I ask hopefully as I hand Ben his street shirt. He nodded at me and I smiled but noticed something was wrong with the smile he had returned to me. He didn't seem happy about something.

"Hey Luke, can you go find Abby for me?" He smiled and nodded before leaving to find her. I shut the door and looked Ben up and down. He averted his eyes away from me as I held my stare on his beautiful face.

"What's wrong Ben." I begged Ben to tell me. He sighed before sitting in his chair and putting his hand through his hair.

"Are you and Luke...Ya know a thing?" He asked while keeping his eyes away from mine. I huffed and walked over to him before taking the few steps towards him that where between us.

"No, we never have had a 'thing'. What does it matter to you?" I ask softly, surprising myself entirely. I knelled down and put my hands on his knees, he never acted like this. He never was possessive, to what I know, but maybe he is.

"I don't know." He said standing up and walking away towards the door.

"Ben." I whispered softly as he opens the door to leave. He hesitated, glancing at me slowly before leaving the door way. I huffed and put on my jacket and putting my phone in my pocket; sliding my purse on before leaving the quaint room. Luke suddenly appeared with no sign of Abby, I looked confused but then remembered what I was doing.

"I'm going for a walk. Meet me at Olive Garden in about an hour and a half." I muttered to Luke, he nodded noticing that I needed my space. I sauntered down the stairs and found my way outside the theatre. I quickly pulled out my Beats and plugged them into my phone, searching for a playist to listen to; I found my "Thinking" playlist and began to listen to it as I strutted down the sidewalk, past the many unfamiliar faces and suddenly found my way into a park...Central park.

It was pretty cool with the lighting from the moon and street lights that surrounded me. I felt myself relax as I listened to 'Wide Awake' by Katy Perry, and soon I found myself walking around the path taking everything in.

New York.







My O2L boys.

My Newsies boys.


All these thoughts ran through my head as I looked around at the scenery. Everything just felt surreal, like it was all a dream and any minute I'd wake up at my twin yelling at me.

The song ended and 'Replay' by Zendaya came on. It was one of those songs that I didn't mean to put on this playlist but never found the feeling to delete it from the mix of songs. It made me think about the relationships I held with all the boys, I had dreamed of meeting both the guys from O2L and Newsies since the show and channel came out into the world I knew.

Nothing had prepared me for what this year had in store for me and it was going to be a roller coaster...I could sense it and feel it in my gut.

Then... Thought's of three gorgeous, amazing, and absolutely talented boys came across my mind.

Ben, Luke...


For some reason...


He had never crossed my mind. I guess he was always there, just in the back of my mind...Someone who was just like anyone I ever met. But sometimes your mind takes control of your emotions and you start thinking of that person and how they are absolutely splendid.

His eyes are a brilliant brown that seem to dazzle every time he sees a friendly face. His dimples that seemed like they are always on his face because of how much he smiles, just seeing his smile makes me smile. And that hair that always seemed to be defying gravity on a daily basis.

I chuckled at how stupid my thoughts are, he clearly had feelings for Abby, but ya know...She doesn't know that.

As soon as I thought that I could feel a presence before me. I walked a little faster and they speed up with my pace, in this time a quickly pulled out my pepper spray and took it off safety mood. I did a sharp turn around to face the predator, only to find Adam with his hands in a surrender position. I relaxed at the realization of it only being Adam, one of the sweetest boys I had ever met, a harmless twenty-two year old that seemed like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Adam, you scared me." I say putting a hand to my heart to try and stop it from beating to fast. His eyes twinkled in amusement and his uncontrollable laugh echoed through my ears. I smiled as I put the pepper spray in my purse, back to it's little home in a pocket.

"What is a beautiful young lady doing walking alone in New York city; a city she barely knows?" He asked coming closer to me. I felt my cheek flush after he said beautiful, that wasn't a word guys just threw my way...Unless they were family, and even the guys in my family never really said it.

"I just needed to...clear my head." I told, answering his previous question and sat on a near by bench, which he sat beside me on.

"Would you like to let me take a load off? Just tell me what's on your head." He announced to me while looking over at me with big eyes.

"There is just so much stuff going on in my life right now and I've only been here one day! I've already revealed my whole back story to a guy I've never spent more than thirty minutes with, and suddenly I'm thinking about three different guys at the same time and I don't know who I can trust and who I can't." I was now standing, using many hand gestures to emphasize what i'm saying.

"What about the future, what happens when I leave New York! What will happen to all I have here, huh? No, don't answer that. That's a stupid question." I retort as he stands and rest his hands on my biceps, he locked his eyes on me, and I suddenly forgot about everything I was just talking about.

"Look, take life as it goes everyday. And...If you like someone then don't lose the chance to..." His voice softened as his brown eyes boared into my own dark orbs.

"To...What?" I interrogated but knew we wouldn't get any farther than his answer.

"To take a chance at them while you can." He mused looking down at my lips for a split second before slowly closing in. I pressed my hands to his chest and felt his heart beat that seemed to quicken with every inch we grew closer.

"Just kiss me already." I pleaded needing. He chuckled before nodding.

"Of course, Beautiful." He says before dipping me back and pressing is lips to mine.




I smiled into the kiss and snake my arms around his neck. We laughed our way out of the kiss and pulled back from each other. We stare into each others eyes and then suddenly we're running towards Nederlander.

"What are we doing?" I laughed as we made our way up to the dressing room area that he used. He pulled me in and shut the door before grabbing my waist and plants a kiss on my lips. This all surprised me, I didn't expect him to be like this. He would pull away and look at my before planting another kiss and then another and another and another. Then I heard someone.

"Adam." I breathed out before he kissed me again.

"Hm." He mumbled, bringing his lips into his mouth with his eyes still shut.

"I think I hear someone." He kissed me again and this one left me breathless because he pressed our bodies close together to where every inch of us where pressing.

"No you don't." He laughed before trying to kiss me again. Then I heard it again and we stared at the door.

"Hey Adam, you in there?" I hear Corey yell through the door. I blushed and Adam and I pulled apart and looked at each other.


"No, no, no, no. It's okay." He whispered softly so Corey wouldn't hear us.

"Adam." i scolded before hiding behind a rack of clothing.

"I'm here man!" He called out through the door, Corey poked his head in and looked around.

"Is Corbet here?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed. Adam shrugged.

"I haven't seen her since before the show." He lied. I held in my chuckle and Corey looked around.

"Okay, if you see her then tell her to text Ben." Corey said before Adam nodded and Corey left. Adam grabbed me from behind the costumes and put his head on my shoulder.

"Come her, Beautiful." He hummed in my ear. I smiled happily.

"Since you have given me a nickname then you get one." I claimed. His chuckled made my heart flutter as it went into my ears.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"How about Dimples? Since you have those adorable dimples." I muse to him, he smiled with pride.

"I love it."

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